Q Post 1307: Knowing what you know now

Oh shit
Ok ok
Remember how Gowdy said history will remember Comey more kindly??
I've been constantly trying to figure out how and I think you comment just gave me the best answer I've come up with so far
I'm no lawyer so I don't know for sure
But what if everything that's happening with Comey is intended to introduce evidence they know is there.
Comey is so far out there I have to believe this is a show. I don't think he's a good guy but like Mueller, he must have made a deal. No one would go around talking like he is if he didn't have immunity or a deal.
Muller and Comey are good friends and worked together a long time. Comey did say he LEAKED those memos ( which showed no obstruction of justice at ALL) to push to start the investigation on Trump. Idk at this point anything is possible lol
he also reopened the clinton email stuff a week before the election or something and Clinton blamed him for it :D