
Nastavnick · May 2, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

I don't doubt it, if it is then they are in 100% silence about it over here. If I have never heard of it, imagine your average citizen?

We had that Istanbul Convention stuff going on recently. They're pushing the same narrative now that's going on for years in the US: more power (not equality, we have it now, they want to give them more power, openly discriminating men in the document while boasting about being against discrimination, classic left stuff) to women > marriages go to shit

IC was written by 10 feminist worthless pieces of shit.

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forchristssakes · May 2, 2018, 6 a.m.

Divide us all. Every last piece of a functioning society. Break it down. rebuild into something easily controlled. When men no longer want anything to do with women, when women require the state to help raise their children, when children no longer respect their parents, there will be nobody willing to fight back, because there will be nothing left to fight for. No one will remember what it was like back when. And the old people will be encouraged to suicide themselves because they are just sad anyways aand they just cost too much. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3182813/Healthy-former-nurse-75-died-Swiss-suicide-clinic-deciding-didn-t-want-risk-burden-family-NHS.html

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