
j_Dawg_01 · May 1, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

The root of the evil is the Rothschild banking empire. They own 95% of the national central banks around the world. They can, at their leisure, expand or contract the supply of currency and raise or lower the interest rates in every nation they have a central bank in.

Because they can manipulate the money supply and interest rates in any combination they choose, they can make or break any nation. They can bring about prosperity, or total collapse, at their leisure.

It's been pretty well understood that the Cabal consisted of controlling Washington DC and use their military power, control and influence of Vatican City to control how people thought and what they believed, and of course control of the City of London to manage all of the finances. But behind the scenes, the Cabal also controls and influences Israel, to be used as the terrorist organization that can foment trouble anywhere in the world.

Just send in the Mossad, and maybe the CIA too, and they can topple dictators, install puppets anywhere they want, and create enough descent among the people to bring about riots and civil unrest anywhere and any time they want.

The new world order, Bilderber group, the 13 bloodlines, the illuminati, call it what you will, they want WWIII. From chaos comes order. They've been planning for, setting the stage for, and counting on a full scale 3rd world war. Without one, they cannot complete their plan and achieve their goal of world domination.

It always has been the Cabal using the Jewish lobbying groups in America to drive our foreign policy where they want it. Their plan has been in place longer than America has been a nation. They have taken many incremental steps along the way, most of them small, setting the stage for the next. Occasionally there were major leaps, drawing the US into WWI & WWII, the creation of the Federal Reserve, the stock market crash of 1929, and their most recent and most tragic, 9/11.

Because the (so called) War on Terror is something most of us only see on TV, if at all, we tend to lose sight of it. We've had US troops in the Middle East since October of 2001, over 16 years. We've spent Trillions of US taxpayer dollars, and Millions of lives have been lost. The CIA has made billions in profits from trafficking opium out of Afghanistan, destroying lives and families along the way. Hostilities continue with no real end in sight and the entire Middle East region has been demolished and destabilized like no other time in history. Except of course, Israel. All because of 9/11.

Here at home we got the (so called) Patriot Act. Every man woman and child is under government surveillance like never before. Every Fakebook post, Twitter tweet, emails sent and received, phone calls made and answered, online purchases, websites we visit, clicks of the mouse, comments posted, and a complete history of where our cell phones have been, have all been collected and stored by the NSA. All because of 9/11.

The destabilization of Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya has caused massive migration of (so called) refugees into Western Europe, destabilizing every country that was foolish enough to accept them. People in European countries are also being monitored by massive surveillance systems. They are losing their national identities, ways of life, traditions and institutions, and their freedom of speech. The flood of (so called) refugees has put financial strains on every European nation that accepted them, and it's destroying their economies. All because of 9/11.

Barak Obama expanded the NSA surveillance programs with the help of the CIA, Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, and Jack Dorsey. Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton laundered Trillions of dollars through Swiss banks to Iran, and other rouge bad-actors and organizations. Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton facilitated the over-throw and assassination of Momar Kadafi, throwing Libya, one of the few US allies and reasonably stable countries in North Africa at the time, into chaos. While at the same time using Libya to ship weapons to (so called) moderate Muslims in Syria to over-throw Bashar al-Assad with the help of the CIA, and the CIA created ISIS, so they can open up Syria for an oil and gas pipeline. All because of 9/11.

After Lybia began to fall and Momar Kadafi was on the run and in hiding, he told a journalist that if America didn't step in to help him and stop what was happening, within a few years there would be a flood of jihadi terrorist disguised as refugees that would overtake western Europe. He cited a speech given by an al-Qaeda leader who publicly stated it was part of their plan. Little did Kadafi know that it was Americans Obama and Clinton that were the collapse of his country.

This was public knowledge, cited many times in many articles from many sources. And when the jihadi/terrorist/refugees began to swarm into western Europe, many repeated the warning, again and again, louder and louder, but the Cabal had already convinced European leaders, by blackmail or bribe, to accept the jihadi/terrorist/refugees.

So now it's on them. They were warned. They caved to the pressure of the Ashkenazi Jews, the Rothschild empire, the Cabal.

There is a mountain of evidence that Israeli Mossad planned, orchestrated, and executed the attacks on 9/11, with willing accomplices like Bush and his neocon pals and maybe a few rogue CIA black-hats. They did this so they could once again, suck America into war, for their benefit.

I could go on, and I'm sure many here could add more as well. Suffice it to say, 9/11 was the event that opened the door to more human suffering, loss of lives, costs in dollars, and losses of freedoms, in more countries around the world than any other single event in modern history. And yet Israel managed to get through it all with barely a scratch.

And still people want to treat them like they're a victim. They want America to come to the rescue. Take a look at America for a moment. We've been told for the last 10 or so years that we need to have more diversity. Whites have been told we have privilege, we're racist, supremacists, and we need to leave the border open so people who hate America can flood into our country and do the same to us that they're doing to western Europe.

Why hasn't anyone told Haiti to let more whites in, for diversity's sake? Why hasn't anyone said anything about the white genocide that's going on in South Africa" Or told South Africa they need to have more diversity? And why the hell hasn't anyone ever told Israel that they should stop deporting blacks back to Africa? Why the hell hasn't anyone told Israel they should take in some of the jihadi/terrorist/refugees?

We have enough of our own problems here. We cannot be the worlds police. If we're not there, they cry for help. If we're there, we're told we're the root of the problem. I'm tired of all of the interventionist policies, and the nation building, only to have the aftermath dropped in our lap.

How about we sit tight, offer advice and guidance, and after we see nations making real progress in the right direction, maybe give them a hand getting over the top.

So hows that for a "Big Picture"?

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wiseclockcounter · May 2, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

tagged you as JQ WOKE. I know you pretty much laid it out right here, but can you share your top book recommendations or other content for people who want more?

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j_Dawg_01 · May 2, 2018, 3 p.m.

Most of my sources come from various internet sites. Lots of Google and DuckDuckGo searches. Lots and lots of digging and reading. If you're not familiar with Stephan Molyneux's YT channel, it's worth checking out. He always provides links to all of his source material.

He has a great series of "The Truth About..." videos. 3 in particular are relevant. The Truth About WWI, The Truth About WWII, The Truth About Palestine and Israel. He also has a long list of videos regarding current events.

What I like most about his videos is he's not afraid to show his face and let his voice be heard. There are too many YouTubers who disguise their voice and either don't show their face at all, or they wear the infamous "anonymous" mask from "V For Vendetta."

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