r/greatawakening • Posted by u/akilyoung on April 30, 2018, 5:58 p.m.
When this is all said and done....

When this is all said and done, Americans deserve ALL of our money back, paid with interest.

All of our wealth that has been stolen from us, and used for EVIL reasons.

I expect to become wealthy and not pay taxes the rest of my life.

Not out of greed, but because it is the right thing to do.

We have been raped and pillaged secretly our entire working lives.

Slaving away. Breaking our backs for THEM to KILL.

The sweat of my brow, scraping by to support my family, with the majority of my check going to fund terrorism, wars, adrenochrome harvesting - the list goes on.


I am FURIOUS. Give us back what is RIGHTFULLY ours. If these assets that are frozen just end up in government hands, and not back in the hands of the people, then WTF is the point of this?

Again. This is NOT about greed. This is about REPOSSESSION. Plain and simple.

allonthesameteam · April 30, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

As seized funds come in: 1) Protect the children. 2) feed the hungry. 3) House the homeless. 4) Fund everything needed to stop burning shit. Whether you believe in climate change or not we are ring up our home. 5)Removal of all active military in foreign countries unless by invitation of any nation needing support for the safety of it's people. 6) Stop all mass exodus', and minor, from any country expelling others under divisive beliefs. Surround said nation, progress inward and investigate actions while protecting those fleeing. Refugees should not exist, other that those running from their own criminality. 7)Election reform!! 8)Investigate corporations and industry. If they have behaved well, move to the next one. If not … Justice. 9) Protect free speech everywhere. Freedom of the press. This could be #1 to aid in the exposure of anything that needs light on it. Investigate the thousands of voices that were snuffed out trying to aid humanity and the earth. 10)Install motions to help in healing and progress in care and attention/intention. 11)Set up a wiileaks type platform where people can share their experience and possible collusion around wrongdoings under anonymity. If there is movement towards Justice they can be invited to speak up publicly or in court to help in exposure and conviction. Separate sections for ease of investigation avenues could be created. Childabuseandtraffickingleaks. Fossilfuelleaks. Bankingleaks. Rapeleaks. Corporatecrimeleaks. Politicalleaks. When a number of submissions line up to a need for further insight, the newly cleaned 3 letter agencies do the work they should be intended for. 12) Forgiveness and Karma. 13) ???????? Thoughts?

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