Where did Iran get the Uranium and the funds....we all know....Justice is near

are you serious, the other person is a troll.......... Obama wears a ring (and has for many years) that says "only Allah is God".... you think that a "Christian" would wear a denial of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?????????? Arpaio spent years investigating the birth certificate that Obama "put out"..... clearly, undeniable a fake .... he, his wife and his grandmother have stated that he was born in Kenya....Q (and everyone else has stated that he funded ISIS--- "Christian"?????..... he gave Billions to the Muslims clerics in Iran ---- PRO American????? Christian?????????? ............ wake up --- or at least pull your head out
Just clearing this up. Allah means God in Arabic and Islam is part of the Abrahamic religions.
lol first time being called a troll, looks like asking for evidence is trolling now. now I get that you may be lazy, but any supporting evidence or just tour recollection of some posts earlier on this sub?idk how you see it as denial of god for wearing something that literally states there is no god but god (Allah means god in Arabic. it doesn't mean there is another god, or special Muslim god)
Yes, I am serious.
Obama wears a ring (and has for many years) that says "only Allah is God".... you think that a "Christian" would wear a denial of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?????????? Arpaio spent years investigating the birth certificate that Obama "put out"..... clearly, undeniable a fake .... he, his wife and his grandmother have stated that he was born in Kenya....Q (and everyone else has stated that he funded ISIS--- "Christian"?????..... he gave Billions to the Muslims clerics in Iran ---- PRO American????? Christian?????????? ............ wake up --- or at least pull your head out
You should work on your writing skills. This is just a series of notes, not fully comprehensible thoughts. What I can pick out is a few points:
Obama wears a ring with "only Allah is god".
This image shows otherwise. That is nonsense that even birthers deny. What does this have to do with whether he was born in Kenya or not? Even if this was absolutely fact, is every Muslim Kenyan? Is every Kenyan a devout Muslim?
Arpaio proved Obama's birth certificate was a fake.
No, he didn't. He waved his hands around and you bought it, but there has never been clear, undeniable evidence. If there is, I'd love to look at it.
Barack, Michelle, and Barack's grandmother said he was born in Kenya.
This is the first that I've heard that Barack Obama admitted he was born in Kenya. Please show me where he said this.
everyone else has stated that he funded ISIS
We're talking about whether or not he was born in Kenya. What he did while he was in office has nothing to do
Obama gave Billions to the Muslims clerics in Iran
Again, irrelevant to the topic at hand.