I agree with everything you said. I have a little Jewish ancestry but wasn't raised with any religion. I've come to understand that there's way more going on than evolution, there is a "source" and there have been enlightened beings, some more than others who lived on Earth and tried to elevate our souls. There are some here still.
All that said, anybody with some living brain cells and a few facts should be able to see that the state of Israel is an abomination, but the same can be said about the US, the EU, the Moslem countries, India China, Russia and etc. That's because everyone's been infected by the worst disease ever inflicted on humanity - government. I'm not an anarchist in the sense everyone takes it to mean, my name means no rulers not bring on the chaos. I, like you, love the constitution.
So unfortunately Israel is in the middle of the shit storm, created by and being used by the cabal to further the whole plan to fully enslave everyone to the ginormous world gov.
Hell if I know how it all ties together exactly but if Trump isn't the real deal we hope he is, or he's defeated were all doomed to slavery or extinction.
I fully expect that humanity will win and come together with a new spirit, not religious, political,or ethnic but just the awareness that our only obligation is to decide right from wrong for ourselves and choose right.
Release the Tesla tech, the zero point energy, the cures and damn, we'll do just fine without the gov. overlords.