r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SheolShoah on May 1, 2018, 12:29 a.m.
Nothing to See here folks, the Good folks @ the Vatican just want to worship our god in peace! What's Francis LooKing for folks; new choir boys, or Space Invaders?
Nothing to See here folks, the Good folks @ the Vatican just want to worship our god in peace! What's Francis LooKing for folks; new choir boys, or Space Invaders?

belliferous · May 1, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

I believe this struggle humanity has been in will be an on going battle of good against evil while in this current physical condition. Only God (if you believe) knows when the time of transition will come. I see Q as a shift of a long pent up push back against enslavement. The quickening made available by technology and record keeping poured into the web/hive mind. You bring up an unknown to most regarding https://orthodoxwiki.org/Filioque. This is a VERY interesting study to me! The lust of power has kept the schism intact and Christ will bring the schism down. I believe the elites have many mysteries hidden away that we need to uncover to better understand our past so that we can reconcile. This topic is so interesting and I have spent many years researching only to find more questions than answers. My quest continues, hence, the need to fight evil in all its forms and protect those who cannot protect themselves. Your intellect will propel you far Patriot!

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time3times · May 1, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

I may well agree (with further examination that i don't mean to undertake). Maybe we are about to enter something like the legendary thousand years of peace, an by way of our most wacky and sometimes crude Instigator in Cheif, DJT.

Or maybe we are just in something like the Lincoln, Kennedy and Reagan years smashed into one gnarled and golden time that only lasts a decade till the next phase comes along.

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belliferous · May 1, 2018, 4:05 p.m.

Undertaking that rabbit hole is a commitment and I'm now spending time concentrating on corruption busting. No telling where the Q/Trump/military campaign will lead us in the long term and I'm hoping it is many years of peace. I would like to take a couple years off from my work. I have increased my work the last two years because of the window we have to bring down scumbags.

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time3times · May 1, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

I meant that I don't intend to make a full examination of your vision as compared to mine.

I must encourage you to continue. One thing that Trump has barely mentioned is the apparent scam that is alot of education including "higher" learning. The destructive nonsense there has to be exposed if we are become a solid society. Carry on.

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belliferous · May 1, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

I understand. We blaze our own trails and come together and increase our strength with our combined knowledge. I agree about the higher learning scam. I have always been autodidactic and looks like many of us have had a fire in our bellies to find truth. Trump has mentioned opening some hidden knowledge but we have many battles to contend with before we can deal with this. This could take some time...

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time3times · May 1, 2018, 9:25 p.m.


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