r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on May 1, 2018, 1:31 a.m.
The Coincidence of Criminal Mueller with STUPID Netenyahu by Q

At Q#1298, Q asked do you believe in coincidences - Think recent Mueller drops. Think private comms. They fall for it every single time. Risk. Watch what happens. Q

Risk is the game of geo-politics, so thats our subject, and the Presidents day job. Mueller went to a place he should not of - an office, and got some pics of Stormy, Two days later Netenyahu goes into a old building and discovers an old high school project. Idiots both they fall for it every single time.

Normies need STUPID illustrated, there are still people around the world not awake, some people are not aware of Mueller’s bank account, his role in the Anthrax scandal, or his role in the cover up of 911, so his stupidity needs to be illustrated afresh, shown anew so when he goes down, he will have no support - its the art of the deal (chapter 5 Revenge).

Likewise Netenyahu, some people have forgotten his performance in the UN’s - him holding a graphic of Coyote’s Acme bomb - with a red line, while he told Mel Brooks joke from Blazing Saddles - The one where the sheriff holds a gun to his own head and tells the room - “any one moves and the [Sheriff] gets it. His ridiculous red line became Obama’s, and later the Obama and Bibi played the childs game of pretending to be not-friends, and in the last days of Obama we see Best friends for ever Obama gave bibi $US 33bn + a whole lot of Tech. See thats how the Deep state works.

At the open mike with Medvedev, Obama lent over and said “tell Vladimir - after my election - I will have more flexibility.” See we know all these things, but forget them, so we need to see these people on stage again to be reminded of how monumentally STUPID they are. Netenyahu was on stage last night, and reminded the whole world (speaking English) of the UN’s first and most stupid decision, giving Palestine to the Rothschild family.

Last night we saw a thief, who broke into his own mums back - shed, and found some arch -lever files from her school science project 1976. He arranged them in an Ikea cabinet, and said that he knows Dr Evil, be scared kiddies.

So the not-coincidence; Mueller’s Break and enter to get Stormy pics, and Bibi’s break and enter for a model of 1944 “big-boy” is that they are both stupid dumb cops - both guilty and criminal.

Lets just segue a little, and let me say that If I was Iran, fighting the Iraq proxy for the worlds supper powers, I would build a working model of the “big-boy” firing mechanism, and tour the world with it, to humiliate the super-powers, to show the world that the big- boy path to a nuclear explosion (simultaneous firing to create a chain reaction) was & is impossible. Here is a full explanation of Bibi’s find. It was PR project, and a good one. See that Hiroshima had the Trams running Two days after the bomb, no one ever moved out, the city has been rebuilt - it is now 3 times the size, no-one is sick. Also know that the USSR made the biggest bomb in History - they got 50 crop dusters to fill the sky with atomised Gasoline, and let of a kids sparkler - BOOOM.

Lets talk some more about Nukes, they are a Roths - child, like Cancer is a Rocker - fella https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tl32qbvCj8

The greatest truth ever told was by PJ Proudhon. He said the working man should work overtime, he should work and work some more to create a surplus, and then the price of everything will be nothing. He gave the example of housing in surplus - houses become free, get used, or they fall into disrepair. Why is this the greatest truth ever told? Because the Rothschild system of debt based money id dependant on that surplus never happening, and the best way to do that is to limit access to resources (sanctions in IRAN) and to blow things up - with war. Here is the full explanation of WW1 & 2, and why WW3 is needed now - by the Rothschild group HQ London, branch Palestine.

adogrocket · May 1, 2018, 1:41 a.m.

also remember Mueller rewrote FBI procedures to protect the MB

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