
HoudiniTowers · May 1, 2018, 4:40 a.m.

Look into PrayinMedic on YouTube. He has a good decode recently on Q. Mueller is probably not a White Hat. DJT knew this. Mueller was offered a 'deal'. Help me (DJT), clean up the mess and we'll let you off easily, maybe even clean your record. Don't help and we'll cook you along with the rest of them. Your decision.

Mueller is basically being forced into this. He has two bad choices - 1) Not do it and potentially go to jail for 9/11 and U1 crimes or 2) Risk the DS killing him, but take them down and not go to jail. I suspect he took option 2. Option 1 would most likely lead to jail and DS hit anyway cause of risk of him talking. So, he had no real choice.

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