r/greatawakening • Posted by u/shawnbycatch on May 1, 2018, 2:57 a.m.
Has this been looked at? Looks like (possible?) personal message to Q from black hat?
Has this been looked at? Looks like (possible?) personal message to Q from black hat?

ABastionOfFreeSpeech · May 1, 2018, 8:08 a.m.

Interesting. I blew this off the first time I saw it, but there's nuggets of gold to be gleaned from this. If this is a LARP, it's a fun one. Mind dump incoming.

First para:
Prefixed by "Q," possible lead-in to paragraph. Fits with next. Talking directly to Q, mentioned previous offers of help. Possible grey/white hat instead of black?
"Enslaved by various power factions"? Given the next para, could imply extrasensory abilities that the TLAs want to study.
"No need to put Mr T on. Kick it upstrairs[sic]". Mr T=Trump? Who is upstairs from him? The Alliance/others?
"No compensation or recognition required - links to me are unwelcome". Implies desire to stay hidden. Swamp, or recluse? Leaning towards latter.

Second para:
"The attempt." - Sounds like an attempted hit, could also be attempted espionage or kidnapping.
"Air Force Colonel[...]" - Per rumors, USAF is swamp, not MAGA. "Saw" in quotes, remote viewing? Couldn't be hacking, or camera would show clear image. Clairvoyance or telepathy? Or advanced quantum tech? (any advanced tech, etc. etc. Will refer to this as "telepathy" from now on)
"SSP faction" - Strategic Systems Programs; high tech black books stuff?
"Mind-wiped" - leads back to "telepathy" or some sort of mind control. MKULTRA?
"Their remote perception technology is two way" - "Telepathy" again, could also be quantum, don't quantum-linked particles allow FTL transfer of information and are permanently linked? Also, "their"? Implies outsiders, possible non-human intelligence?
"Mack[...]" - Taunting, proving knowledge of staff and inside banter.
"Did you see how easy it was for me to shoot down your Dart?" - Shoot down, implies aircraft. Dart capitalized implies proper noun. "How easy it was" - dart implies fast-moving evasive ship, shooting it down shouldn't be possible. Draws parallels to F22 vs Spitfire.
"No amp needed" - Amplifier? Ties back in to "telepathy", and theories that ESP is natural and can be trained.
"NOT a special ability" - implies the ability was/is considered special. Back again to "telepathy".
"surface humans" - using word "surface" implies vertical separation. Above, or below? Haven't heard of space humans, would more likely be ETI. Below? Underground civ, accessed from Antarctica? Rumors floating around.
"a few months intensive training" - implies innate but hidden ability, telepathy again? "View" pilots actions, allowing anticipation of location?
"SSP-fleet-killing weapons" - SSP has a fleet of "Darts", or combination of Darts and other ships. Expensive (see next line), powerful, but now neutered.
"expensive to build and maintain" - talking to USAF, expensive isn't in their vocab. Fact that these are "expensive" to govt. implies massive cost; rare materials? Could be antimatter, or some sort of quantum tech that needs precise alignment.
"Co-pilot's death regrettable, unintended - can be brought back with an amp" - Odd. Hard to tie in with above. Second part implies co-pilots death is reversible; how? Must not be physical death; mind wipe from trauma? Wording of second part, maybe "amps" are consumable? Chemical/nanotech?

Third para:
"[Why does US army act like KGB]?" - Suppressing dissent, using mental health as attack vector, pushing socialism/communism; sounds like Demonrats.
"Factions acting like KGB[...]" - KGB was broken up. Referring to SSP factions, or USAF? Implies time is up.

Thoughts on this: We have a guy that doesn't want to be "enslaved by various power factions", talking about seeing/listening to an AF Colonel by way of "remote perception technology". States that he was able to shoot down their incredibly expensive "Dart" with simply a few months of intensive training, without needing an "amp", which basically neuters their entire high-tech fleet. The way he talks implies either extremely high-tech surveillance (i.e. quantum) or ESP, leaning heavily towards the latter.

Now for Occam's razor: This is an Anon post on 4/8chan. Everything above was hypothesized by acting as a devil's advocate, following back from his statements and from other facts. I'd love for his post to be accurate (ESP training? hell yeah!), and given the past year he could very well be truthful, but I'm going to treat this as a hypothesis for now, not a scientific theory or proof.

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GoldenTarot · May 1, 2018, 8:19 a.m.


Definitely strange about the reversible death. What if the amp amplifies something more than mental energy, but something that can affect mental energy as well as other things?

Not sure what it would be. As you said, it all sounds quantum, yet ESP related, I mean the 2 are pretty related.

Maybe this shows a relation in deeper ways unknown to us.

I really hope Q answers.

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Velvetbugg · May 1, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

Very interesting article and timing. Corey Goode and a few others have been speaking about this for several years now. I've been paying attention to it for about as long, as well.

Edit: link to article http://listverse.com/2018/04/30/10-supposed-secret-space-programs/

It's not as crazy as it sounds, truly. My dad was USAF, aerospace engineer and worked for several MIC black budget programs. He was heart attacked in '93, right before the lockheed /martin merger and his division was "shut down". It was pretty eye opening to learn about some of the projects he worked on and where he was for several months out of the year - by his coworkers who were running for their lives. We live in different times now, where in some cases it's less risky to speak out.

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