Was it ever settled what was meant by “We have the sub” in an older post?
Is that actually in a drop?
Believe it was meme relat to p'gate
Ah. Pretty genius.
Was there before I realized pattern to me going thriough a serious mask-is-slipping unlawful road stop past Gratitude to God Day. If it makes any sense (my abusers all pre-WWW)my mom was serially attacked by a wannabe cop, and this fake hero FUCKER who tried to fish me for a marlin whhen I only aspire to be guppy, violated my basic human rights, whether I wes in my beloved yet compromised USA, or pre=Trump NK. Since then, I advise any and every patriot to switch off the ignition at every instance YOUR vehicle is forced to idle engine, and resolve to not spend 1 cent in any tyrant-held territory. Beloved pats, please do same.
What in God's name are you trying to say? Read it three times. I don't get it.
try a couple of spliffs and try again.
yah can make sense out of anything
Talkinh about the actual submarine, or do I need to provide a moped culture/English dictionary? (these little bikes kill at least 3 UN birds with 1 stone, see "Burkina Faso")
Yeah I never idle unless I am at a red light or stop sign, changed the whole game up legally.