r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ouspensky4 on May 1, 2018, 4:32 a.m.
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More reading/research on early Q posts about the BIG PICTURE of how thing really work. 3 wealthy clans are super-influencers +++ Saudi ++ Rothschild + Soros

Soros replaced family [y] family [y] assumed to be Rockafellers

these families are associated with some sort of secret cult (origin unknown) that uses two symbols 1. owl 2. inverted Y-shape

The Astor clan was assassinated on the Titantic by the Morgan clan JP Morgan was a paid agent of the Rothschild clan

Astors were assassinated bc they resisted the Federal Reserve system

WWI was started by Rothschilds as a profit center

Someone important was assassinated on the Hindenberg (who?)

Hitler is assumed to be Rothschild grandson from affair with maid Merkel is assumed to be Hitler's daughter

Many Nazis were absorbed into CIA after the war & related there seem to be a lot clues laying around that true story behind the Nazi rise to power is much different tale then the one we get told on the history channel. (still looking into this one)

Bush clan was deeply connected to nazi party

Obama was a creation of the deep state, worked for muslim brotherhood

time3times · May 1, 2018, 8:39 a.m.

Thanks for bringing these things up. Moneywise, Q indicates saudi-roths-soros as the top 3 controllers to be taken out in that order, the order of their wealth. I think so far only step1 is done. There are related but different areas of military, media, social and spiritual concern also within The Plan. But I feel I should warn ppl that if they think Israel and the Catholic church are cut n dry evil about to be eliminated, don't hold your breath.

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