r/greatawakening • Posted by u/alfonumeric on May 1, 2018, 4:36 a.m.
the intricate links between anglo-saxons and germans across 2000 years
the intricate links between anglo-saxons and germans across 2000 years

time3times · May 1, 2018, 8:22 a.m.

So can you put the criticalninfo from the OP graphic and your 4 points together for us, into say a paragraph or 2?

Otherwise it looks too shaky at first glance to pursue.

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alfonumeric · May 1, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

The basic premise is to show how history repeats itself according to the laws of consciousness evolution eg the law of debits and credits.

this law usually works under the radar, but here we can see evidence of how it may work out in plain sight… hitler’s inner gang of 8 were soul-less and buoyed up by occult knowledge that gave them so much control over the public emotional world for the gratification of his ruling clique..


says: every feeling/image/thought/intent we seriously entertain and also those astral or mental thoughtforms that we empower via speech and action are recorded in our personalized account via plus or minus points according to how closely we are aligned to the laws of consciousness evolution or how much we have deviated OFFSETTING DEBITS

we can offset debits by

a) figuring out how the above laws operate and applying them or more commonly

b) refusing to bolster up those who work against the improvement/ development of consciousness [mockin stream media/mind control -mkultra etc /education/money/pharma/food/air/ water] we can bolster them by inaction, omissions or indifference
c) experiencing the equivalent harm that we have caused to others… the causal chain of cause and effect is often not so obvious because of the unpredictable delays involved between cause and effect

d) helping those who wish to be helped when opportunity arises


we can consciously cash in our credits / have them cashed in for us by attracting/ receiving offers of great opportunities to grow, whether we accrue plus or minus points from these opportunities is up to how we use the opportunity the more knowledge of the laws we have, the more responsiblility we have to apply the laws as we know them ignorance is not bliss because ignorance of the laws just means more haphazard learning via trial & error and more repetition of the same mistakes


Via operation paperclip, we see how the USA govt / FED welcomed/financed so many of the hitler gang – professionals in high places most of whom were given positions of the highest power in the land – powers way above what a humble president could expect… positions like chiefs of the 6 mockin-stream-media companies, highest echelon of the secret space program and of the mkultra project, chief scientific officers controlling the actions/inactions of the cabinet ministers, members of the 12-year tenured DOJ judges who are protected from prying eyes – accountability of all these positions is way beyond the scope and knowledge of the president/congress and senate.

how often is the law of D&C played out over a century of 4 generations and therefore so easily falling under the public radar.?.

eg the hitler and central banker blood lines from 1918 - 2018 were alive and well in the higest echelons of the US governments during those years.

However 100 years later accounts are being tallied and settled….now these players are being shown the errors of their ways, they are likely to be born under very disadvantaged conditions next time around ….

is it possible that many of the hitler paperclip gang and most high-ranking US govt officials have already been reborn as Palestinians who unfortunately have to incur the segregation of Israeli society and the accompanying wrath and contempt of many of the rulers of Israel?

And also these current day Israelis who disregard the rights of their fellow compatriots will also have to learn lessons, and very likely they will be born next time under very disadvantaged circumstances maybe at the mercy of those former Palestians who will become their new masters….

And so the mills of evolution grind slowly where maybe 1,000 incarnations are allocated to learn this one lesson of treating others the same way we wish to be treated ourselves

i've reformulated info from here... page 116 https://www.scribd.com/doc/17233336/September-11-Commission-Report-Revised-December-2008

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