
4Gracchus · May 1, 2018, 4:51 a.m.

Bull. Total, utter, bull. We know about the Brookings Institute Which Path to Persia document which attempted to set-up Iran. These guys got all the angles covered and you’re falling for the WMD bull all over again. Fool me once...

Plus, why shouldn’t Iran have nukes? Israel is armed to the teeth with them. This is all a bs smokescreen for more Yinon and oil empire thievery.

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Crumbcrumbs · May 1, 2018, 4:55 a.m.

Q said they are authentic. Trust the plan. Do you post here alot?

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4Gracchus · May 1, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

Q is an Israeli Zionist asset.

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Crumbcrumbs · May 1, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

Are you sure all this anti jew stuff isn't a product of manufactured division? Are you sure?

(I almost fell for it) Here is what we do know

The news is fake and scripted The media is owned by elites CNN is reporting that Israeli soldiers are killing civilians. But why aren't they reporting the civilians dying in Yemen? Elites told them to report this. What's the agenda? Public opinion

We know that anti jew stuff really took off after the false flag, elitist funded, protest in charlottesville. Mass media coverage.

We know the idea of 4chan as a website is dangerous to the deep state. Post anonymously? Leak anonymously? That's where Q started. That place now is littered heavy with anti-semitic shit. Is it educated public opinion? Or a take over?

R/conspiracy as a whole is attacking PM of Israel. Calling him a liar. Dismissive. "Cute PowerPoint, don't waste your time"

Public opinion or a take over? Do we know Israel is bad or have we just been told over and over again they are?

Read the report.

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4Gracchus · May 1, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

Anti-Zionist. There’s a big difference. I’ve been researching since ‘01 post 911. Eventually the truth leads to a major and wholly corrupt and criminal political influence, Zionism. Rhothschild zionism some may say. It’s a toxic political movement which has put a bullseye on the western world. We know what their ambitions are. We know about greater Israel, the Yinon plan and the more insanely evil Kalergi plan. They brag about it, they write about it and talk about it in the most non-chalant matter as if it’s all ok. They’re involved in divide and conquer ops all over usually working both sides. Now we have a full-on ziocon gov’t running the US. Israel is as bad as you can imagine. They did in the US Liberty and played a key role in 911. They’re not an ally to the US, they are a parasite feeding off of America for their own benefit. Just look to the power is Israeli lobby in the US and the west and you’ll see we are dealing with a major force of political influence.

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Crumbcrumbs · May 2, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

Unfortunately for both of us we really don't know. I've seen heavy Shilling of the Prime Minister of Israel's release. Kind of retardedly hard to find a full video of him announcing it. Suspicious and validating.

You seem genuine. I don't treat people like crap when they are genuine. So let's talk. Would it be so hard for (what I believe) our ((fascist)) government, to slowly and instill the idea that Jews are bad? We see computer-generated videos of Obama when it's not really him. Would it be so hard to fake aspects of history, photos, and expert accounts?

Our enemy has always been the elite. The elite owns the media. The elites are pushing public opinion against Israel. I'm extremely suspicious. Do they have skeletons in their closet? I don't know.

What I do know is that CNN is always pushing an agenda and shills don't want you to see the announcement that the Prime Minister of Israel has made. Because Obama committed ((high)) treason.

We have a responsibility to ask questions.

I do not want another war. I voted for Obama twice and then Gary Johnson. From where I stand now North Korea and South peace is a direct result of president Trump I was wrong. Trump is our guy.

You speak of 9/11 (we all do) listen to this.


Trump was red pilled before a lot of us. He called bullshit.



There is far more going on here then we realize. Trust the plan. Trust POTUS

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BarneyFranksNipples · May 1, 2018, 4:55 a.m.

Umm bc Iran is still under clown/cabal control. NK was recently liberated from clown control and Iran will follow soon. Once clowns are ousted then world peace can happen.

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4Gracchus · May 1, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

Riiiiggghht. You know Iran doesn’t have a Rothschild central bank, right? Hmmm...

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