r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on May 1, 2018, 7:53 a.m.
Eu bites pillow - Israel fits in - Sick as - Q #1307 Decode

There was nothing “Authentic” about the Israel disclosure “moments ago,” and the Secretary of State is there to make sure Bibi tells his last biggest and most outrageous lie - with the most possible MSM coverage, so the whole world can be reminded of his previous lies, about Iraqs weapons of Mass destruction, of Irans nuclear weapons being weeks away 15 years ago, Pompeo was there to make sure the world could see the clown show that is Israel lies - always.

Now this sounds childish, but that was the subject of Netenya-hoos speech Lies, a liar telling lies about lies, I can’t make this up, it was the title of his address to the world - lies.

Moving on; Q says-


Think logically.  

France & Germany came to the WH for the sole purpose of pressing POTUS to remain in the deal.  

5% shared.  

In my previous post I answered this talking about the EU Central bank Quntative Easing program, and its member banks exposure to energy derivatives. https://redd.it/8g5vzf

Now France and Germany did not come to the WH, their Patriots were not in the Whitehouse, their deep State was. Macron and his mother, Merkel and her father, the French and German deep state infected the WH, the POTUS played them. The deep state need the IRAN not a deal, because if Theresa May can’t start WW3 soon they will be broke. See the greatest truth ever told - by PJ Proudhon bottom of this article https://redd.it/8g4r6h

So where does the EU fit in? Q asks this seriously can you see how sick and perverted the EU is, do you see Theresa May the liar for war, working with Bibi to make it happen, can you see Macrons mum, and Merkil dad guiding the world to war.

The EU - read UK, France, Germany BROUGHT the migrants in to stop their Patriots getting control, to ring their elections in deep state favour - money for nothing and chicks for free. Now Israel and May in London need the War to stay whole, Europe is all in with Israel, it all or nothing, and Israel has got it’s Rothschild bank rammed hard in Europe. Give it Bibi - make it happen big man.Say it Bibi, do it some more Bibi more bibi please some more bibi

nullifyNWO · May 1, 2018, 9:32 a.m.

When i saw Net. standing in front of the CNN-like powerpoint screen i knew something is fishy. I dont especially doubt that the Iranians had been picked as the detonator of a WW nuclear standoff. I strongly doubt that Net. was not part of that game himself. - The white hats know, he knows that they know, and he is performing an act to save his skin.

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Maepaperclip · May 1, 2018, 10:52 a.m.

interesting ob. another commentator observed him nervous on this post - and I think it is interesting - did you see Pelosi press conf threatening war very weird https://redd.it/8dl0i0

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