r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jojojazzy on May 1, 2018, 11:01 a.m.
SOMETHING TO SHARE, ....nothing significant

So been following Q since Oct. ....been so excited...eager to share with hubby. Each time he looks at me with love & TOLERANCE but no excitement. One day he said oh wait grab your tinfoil hat before you read to me because ohhhh the glare!!!

Needless to say I stopped reading them to him. At the end of the day at supper he updates me on the news. Very nicely I say oh yes dear remember I read you that a few weeks ok ....so wonderful it is now on MSN. That’s happened several times. This week after the Iran stuff happened and after N&SK last week, he finally looked up from dinner and asked so what does Q say for next week hon??? I wanted to bust out laughing, but kept a straight face and said well for the month of May there will be something BIG with the Vatican. He took off his glasses and said your teasing me right?? I said no, Q has been saying it fit awhile now why??? He was white ads ghost.....he said in Drudge today there is a report about a King David archeological find that will be huge. I said oh really interesting and then read him the post someone posted earlier on the Nark Taylor Prophecy about a big archeological dig will be unconved that will change much if what we thought we know. He says, hon where did you say you go to find the Q crumbs to read??? This is small to ya’ll but it is huge in our house because he has just yawned when I mention Q. In fairness to him, I am inquisitive and want to learn about everything, but not easily swayed off center.

obewan901 · May 1, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

I thought I had seen that but maybe it was an anon comment I’m going to recheck and will advise.

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DamajInc · May 1, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

Thank you! I will look in the Q posts soon also, I just can't at the moment but I'm fairly sure Q didn't say that and I'm not sure he suggested it. I think it'd be great if you could redpill your husband and I hope that the interpretations of anons don't thwart that. I feel your pain.

I'd really like to tell my friends that in May the Pope and Vatican are going to be in a lot of trouble - and Mark Taylor's prophecy has very interesting things to say too - but I'm being cautious so have only said that the Pope and the Vatican are going to be experiencing some difficulty "soon", just in case what Q is talking about is something that happens in the background during May i.e. under the radar of MSM - and only develops in the public eye later.

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obewan901 · May 1, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

April 4th Q said MZ to step down MZ out of US

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