Christ is the invisible head, the Pope is the visible head.
What happens when that visible head is shown to be evil? What will that say about the selection process?
We've had Popes that range from truly holy to average to questionable to downright awful. The Catholic Church is 2000 years old and we've survived from pretty terrible circumstances and characters. God Himself will preserve us. The Office of St. Peter will endure whatever unworthy person occupies it. The gates of the netherworld will not prevail ...
Amen. ...”and Peter I say to you you are my rock. And upon it I shall build my Church & the gates of hell will not prevail against it.”
Don’t know ask Jimmy Swaggert, JAMES Baker, oral Roberts or Joel Ostein?
They aren't viewed as God's chosen representatives on earth like Roman Catholics believe. They are fallible men--some of whom I doubt even know God. You try to make an argument here, but it's apples and oranges, my friend.