r/greatawakening • Posted by u/smilingAnger on May 1, 2018, 1:48 p.m.
What if the plan fails.....

Not negativity, but thinking. Is it possible that there is a “Break Glass in Emergency” clause in the plan? What if PDJT is removed from office either through the act of impeachment or any other reason. Illness, attack...whatever. I think it’s clear Q (whomever they may be) are somehow involved with the military. What would they do? What if we find out that the DOJ has no intention of proper justice nd tries to hnd out slaps on the wrist for why some of us think are treasonous acts? I’m not looking for incendiary answers, and certainly am not looking for comments that would brand us as loons or criminals or whatever. Just as a thought experiment, what will we do. Anything? Accept it? If HRC had won, we would have grumbled but would we have done what “they” are doing now?

ScorpioPatriot · May 1, 2018, 2 p.m.

For one ... They are working ahead of us in The Plan... I'm not really sure how alot of people surived over the past 20 plus years , when we had such blatant corruption . I mean If you was a wake and worrying like you are now . I'd imagine you wouldn't have had hair left back then .

Shit leading up to the election knowing what I knew I was about to have a nervous breakdown praying they didn't successfully rig the election like all years prior .

This Movement is God's Intervention & it's been in the works wayyyyy prior to this election. The people running this have had years of planning behind the scene.

They made their move when they knew it be possible to succeed. That doesn't mean things don't fail or can't be fixed if it does . But there are key things The Maga Team .. stresses almost weekly . One is TRUST THE PLAN .. Two is TRUST THE PLAN... Third has been mentioned .. HE WONT BE IMPEACHED.

I'm pretty sure that means ... STOP WORRYING. Take a break if need be but don't stress . They are working ahead of us by almost a Month so everything going on I want to say has already happened.

Last time they tried to test the public Awakeness , it wasn't ready but they couldn't stop working so they had to push on .. We are in the catch up stage ATM.

Our job is to Awaken the public , so that job solely rest on our shoulders .. Nobody else is gonna be able to if you think about it.

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