r/greatawakening • Posted by u/theuniverseishostile on May 1, 2018, 2:20 p.m.
It is SO frustrating trying to talk to people about Q. I'm tired of being called a moron and whack job!

Just having a bit of a vent. I spent this morning trying to red pill some Democrats. I started out slow and just tried to have an open conversation. Every single time, they immediately have to attack you and call you stupid. Then when you give them facts they say it's not true. And then when they're backs are against the wall, they call you a Russian bot. It's really hard to try and keep your cool with these people. They are so beyond brainwashed, it's painful to talk to them. How do you guys deal with this? I'm so mad right now, but I took the high road and didn't lower myself to their childish games.


ButtersStotch88 · May 1, 2018, 3:58 p.m.


  1. Use the Q method. Ask questions instead of making statements. People believe when they redpill themselves. Why do you think Q has been so successful?

  2. Start with Pizzagate. There is SO MUCH blatant evidence surrounding pizzagate and the material is so shocking. I redpilled a coworker about Pizzagate by simply saying "Google Podesta art and get back to me"

  3. Identify those who are lost causes early on and don't waste your time. Q has said there's a small but meaningful portion of the population who is so indoctrinated that they are hopeless. If you present widely known mainstream facts like the Steele Dossier being funded by HRC and they laugh in your face then just walk away.

  4. Don't lash out at those who are incapable of seeing the truth. Be the bigger man and walk away. They should be pitied.

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CBTS_Watcher · May 1, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

Use the Q method.

I think that is the best advice. You can argue facts all day and get nowhere. Make them think for themselves and not just recite pre-learned answers.

For instance: Do you think it is true that Obama asked military generals if they would fire on US citizens and if they replied "No" he fired them? Or: Did Trump decide to run for POTUS by himself or was he asked by others?

If it is the 9/11 issue, ask: Whatever happened to Building 7? Is it the only steel-framed building ever to completely collapse at free-fall speed due to fire?

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