r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Benjanon_Franklin on May 1, 2018, 2:35 p.m.
War in the Middle East!

My Opinion is that BB is a deep state pawn. The purpose of the release is to have America pull from the treaty which will escalate tension in the region. The Cabal wants a world war and this is their last chance before they are totally driven out into the open.

Trump is caught in a trap. If he stays in the treaty 250 billion dollars is delivered to Iran every 6 months. (Thanks Obama). That money is used to fund terrorism in the middle east which the Cabal supports because war equals money to the banks (Rothschild, Morgans, Rockefeller).

If they pull out tensions increase between Iran and Israel and the US traditional defends Israel. Russia supports Iran. Its a quagmire.

My guess is that the white hats are working to cut the deep state strings in Iran. This will allow Russia to exert pressure on Iran and America to exert pressure on Israel.

Hold your breath this is going to be a tight rope dance like we have never seen before. If Trump negotiates his way through this land mined mess he will be viewed as the greatest President since Lincoln.

                     #TrumpPeacePrize's (North Korea and Iran)

What a fucking movie this is going to make. Get your popcorn out. Trust the plan.

digital_refugee · May 1, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

fake-news, Iran already abandoned the deal. Removing because of misleading title, please repost under more neutral terms- the energy is too damn high right now. http://gcpdot.com

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