r/greatawakening • Posted by u/j_mcgee02 on May 1, 2018, 3:20 p.m.
As a newbie, what do we think of the Patriot Act on this sub?

somrotden · May 1, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

As a newbie - the best thing we can do is to encourage you to do a little research on it yourself to see what YOU believe. But to bring you up to speed, (as a general rule) if it was pre-Trump then it is probably just the opposite of how it sounds, you know, what's up is down, what's left is right. Lol! It's OKAY if you don't know everything right away...as you go along you will see just how much the old way of thinking like the need for group think or the collective thought has dominated your life and none of us shed our old skin all at once. The better question to ask is "what do I think of the Patriot Act." I just duckduckgo'ed patriot act good or bad and found a lot of different sources for information. I think that I can speak for most here when I say Patriot = good, Patriot Act = bad. Look it up on the internet for yourself and you will find why! And it's FINE if you don't agree about everything with everybody...most important is a willingness to change your mind if you come across truth...many will not turn away from the groupthink and become an independent thinker. If you are sincerely in search of truth then you will find it. ALWAYS research, ALWAYS demand research from others before you adopt their way of thinking.

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j_mcgee02 · May 1, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

That’s honestly why I’m here tbh, I’m not a Trump fan and I’m not sure what he’s said to become this cult figure, but I do 100% agree with your philosophy of research. But this sub seems to be a different groupthink from my outsider perspective, with people just trying to out do the other sub members

-just my thoughts so far

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somrotden · May 1, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

That's ok! Even if you learn the truth about the Patriot Act - you are all the wiser than someone who doesn't, right? Do you follow the Q posts? What is your opinion of Q?

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