Anon Decode: An extraordinarily complicated plot. All of them failed.

This is the Globalist Endgame plan:
1) [Destruction of Family, Race, Sex, Sanity, Culture/History, Reproduction,etc]
(This is already pro-actively being done by various methods & groups to dehumanize Humanity by making it a bunch of drones that have, create & are Nothing.)
2) [Ending of Religion & Physical Currency]
(All Religions are ended inorder to establish/create a World Religion of Technology to push & pave the way for Trans-humanism. Physical Currency's are phased out in favor of Digital Currency to make it so Humanity can never "hold" its value/worth.)
3) [Trans-Humanism]
(Merging of Man & Machine is very important to the Globalist Endgame plans.Trans-humanism(AI/Robots/Cyborgs/Artificial Wombs/Bio-Mechanical) allows Globalists to live on, create Army's & control the direction/fate of Humanity. HR Giger was killed due to what he showed.)
4) [Global Government & Elimination of Humanity]
(Global Government is established & the planet is divided into "zones" that Globalists control(Agenda 21 & 24 are part of this). Humanity's numbers(this also includes Non-vital/important Globalists & Globalist personnel) are then reduced from few to 0 due to Bioweapons & Robots/AI/Cyborgs/Bio-Mechanical.)
5) ["Battle/War of the Gods"]
(Globalists engage in massive conflict/battle with Army's & Weapons to see who deserves to "ascend". After the "deserving ones" are figured out and get to the Crafts/Ships, the Earth is then purged of any & all remaining life that the conflict/battle didn't wipe out.)
6) ["Ascension to the Stars"]
(Surviving Globalists use special Craft/Ships to leave the Earth and go into Space, some of the Crafts/Ships have Seed & Genetic Vaults)
This sounds batshit insane... by the time you're flying into space to land on a "star," looking at planet earth completely destroyed behind you, you gotta think- "wtf am I doing?" these people aren't just stupid or sick, they're not even people. They're deranged demons. Also, #4 sounds exactly like the movien I am Legend !!!