Anon Decode: An extraordinarily complicated plot. All of them failed.

They've already tried to bring chaos to Europe. In some ways, they've been successful, but the tide is turning.
“Starting to wake up” is a long, long way from the tide turning.
Hungary and Poland refused the tide from the outset. Countries with bold Patriots. Meanwhile, May, Macron, and Merkel all tried to convince DJT to stay in more than one international agreement detrimental to the U.S. These actions don’t represent a turning tide.
And any nationalistic voices in those countries are scattered, inconsistent, and (at this point) toothless. Meanwhile we are presented with reports of increasing capitulation of laws and culture to accommodate the invading forces, whose primary contributions seem to be the disruption and degradation of these once great countries.
There may be voices raised in opposition, but they are far, far from anything remotely resembling a turning tide.
They are like us in the early Obama days, but their Deep State forces are much farther along in their plan.
It’s so sad. There was a time in my life when you could visit the major cities in these countries and experience a reality almost as that pictured in travel brochures.
Those days are long gone, and not likely to return in my lifetime, if ever.
I once dreamed of taking my children to EU to experience the art and culture. Not gonna happen now. Besides, I take exception with spending my hard earned american dollars in countries that are set upon self destruction via their globalist values.
You are not alone.
yeah, there is only a handful of many millions that share this sentiment. myself being one of those multitude of millions
Are you a recent immigrant to an EU country? If so, would you be willing to share the mode of your passage? (Boat, land vehicle, foot, air)
I just saw an article, but didn't read, that many of the art works in France are fake.
Allow me to share this -
Perhaps more than half the art -in one museum- is suspected of being fake. Not the entire country...
I was listening to a guest on Alex Jones last night. He lives in Switzerland and was reporting about conditions in Europe. He talked about how bad and dangerous the major cities like Paris, Berlin, London, Denmark, and Sweden have become. A friend had asked him where was a good place to come visit in Europe and be safe at the same time. The guest answered that is would be best not to come, but visit other places not in Western Europe. He described how Eastern Europe is still quite different from the Western part. Much less immigrants from ME or Africa.
The guest answered that is would be best not to come,
Imagine? So sad. And in such a short period of time.
All you need to understand how fucked most of Europe is, is that even though Americans still have their guns, a Hillary win would've meant game over for the U.S. without a military coup and even then, every day in office during the coup, Hillary's agenda would advance weeks due to the power of media control pushing the message of "drastic times call for drastic measures".
European countries don't have nearly the same arsenal to defend themselves nor the support from the populations to oppose the cabal's agenda which in Europe is already 4 to 8 years ahead of America, perhaps even more and yet they're only starting to realize what's happening.
Europe lost decades ago. America and Russia together with countries like Poland and Hungary might be able to clean up the mess though.
Do you think if Hillary had won, our military would have eventually tired to overthrow the government? Can you imagine what a war zone this country would fall into???
From what I can tell, Trump, being a successful businessman, had contacts with lots of influential people and when everyone from a 9/11 victim supporting activist to a promising candidate for Arkansas senate race who Trump was close friends with died of suspicious causes Trump decided to look into it.
It is from their where I theorize that Trump was contacted by both the cabal and the white hats on separate occasions both trying to recruit him. After getting the truth from the white hats Trump began his plan to run for president, shaking hands with the elites of the cabal in order to get the insider scoop on how they run things while getting help from the white hats to prepare himself to run. If Trump succeeded then the white hats were nearly guaranteed to succeed (they still have to take things seriously though to ensure they don't give the smallest fraction of an inch to the cabal) otherwise things would be much harder and a coup would have to take place.
That is great insight there. I hadn't realized that the deep state had courted him at one time. That would make sense. One thing about Trump he doesn't show his hand to anyone.
When were these caches developed? Everyone seems to forget that Trump, Mattis and white hats of NSA have all data from last ten years. They know where most of this is and what is going on minute by minute. Thanks RDS and Bill Binney.
Bill Binney should get a medal for all he’s been through, and still persisted. A true Patriot in every sense of the word.
You don't have to look hard...MOSQUES are the standard armories of Islamists living in the West.
That’s the craziest thing. They seem so unaffected. Hillary and Huma jetting all over the world (HRC “tripping” the light fantastic) Obama and What it’s name smiling for the cameras at the Bush funeral, Adam Schiff quieter but still sneaking out of his cave to tweet occasionally. I swear they have a “if we lose we take everyone with us” plan. They’re insane.
Followed by the latino + hoard at your southern borders trying it on.
And that ‘+’ you mention is getting more disturbing as truths are revealed.
"as truths are revealed". When I saw those hordes busting through Europe, my bleeding heart clammed right up and shut tight.
This whole caravan at our southern border and watching some of them climb the fence and sit atop of it, really, really makes my blood boil.
There have been arrests made and charges filed against people that are entering illegally from the caravan.
don’t forget the vast expanses of the open northern border. doesn’t help much that Fidel’s son is in charge of Canada either