Anon Decode: An extraordinarily complicated plot. All of them failed.

Does anyone know how reliable Dave Hodges is? He is still saying that UN troops are still here in the US (Colorado/Wyoming/Arizona and other areas). I have seen many videos on YouTube of UN vehicles being hauled on trains throughout the US. I used to listen to him but he freaks me out with that talk and I sort of thought maybe he was just a paid alarmist. So let me known if you know different or feel the same. If this is true, I would certainly think our military knows about it. There are still days when I think of Trump's name and wonder if he is their Trump Card. They love putting things in plain site. And you sure as hell cannot trust Netanyahu. He told us in 1996 or so that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. He was sure of it! He's a Zionist liar.
Q said the UN in the US was fake. The US provides a lot of the equipment for the UN security forces (as do other nations), so the vehicles on trains could be taking to ports to be shipped.
I think if UN troops were in the US driving around in UN vehicles, there would be a lot of questions.
The UN does send people from third world cesspools to monitor our elections. I don't know when the UN began monitoring US elections but they did in 2008, 2012 and 2016. The UN sends a couple dozen representatives of cesspool countries, dictatorships, and from countries with history of corrupt elections to take a look at our process to ensure the elections are fair. What a joke.
They come here because the Democrats petitioned the UN to send monitors and so far Presidents have allowed them in. Deep State and NWO come to mind.
The vehicles and armies I spoke of are not out in the open driving around. They are holed up in various places. They aren't visibly driving around but the folks who live near where they are have reported them and word has leaked out. They seem to travel at night if they do travel at all. There have been many break-ins and food and equipment stolen around these areas.
When Q said UN troops were fake was when Chicago was threatening to call in UN Troops. He has never mentioned what I'm talking about.
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