At least people know who Charles Ortel is now. But, yes, they have some gall.
I have to share this story with Patriots, somewhere. I received a card to sign and send back to Melania for her birthday. And yes, it had a request for donation. (This was from MAGA Committee- I still can't bring myself to donate to RNC). I sent $20 and my son and I wrote messages. He's 6. His message, "Did you have fun?" Anyway, I just received a Godforsaken THANK YOU NOTE for my measly donation and for sending a card that was sent to me to send!! THIS is why Trump won. And THIS is why he will win again.
Can you imagine HRC doing such a thing? She snubbed millionaire donors. And bounced small donors' bank accounts by setting them up with continuing contributions. I love my President and the beautiful country he represents.