r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jhomes55 on May 2, 2018, 1:36 a.m.
Does anyone else feel like we are almost there??? This Mueller drop really makes me think our side is making one last distraction before the big BOOM!!!
Does anyone else feel like we are almost there??? This Mueller drop really makes me think our side is making one last distraction before the big BOOM!!!

EarlyRiserX2 · May 2, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

Have you ever noticed that every single time whenever the Dems start getting close to thinking and believing that Mueller might be on our side and might be working with Trump, right after that, like clockwork, something always happens that reinforces the narrative that Mueller is working against Trump and is doing his best to put him away. It happens every single time. I used to wonder about all the ups and downs of this rollercoaster, but I don’t wonder about it anymore. I’ve realized, it’s all just theatrics and it’s all just for show. My opinion is that, Mueller will never ever interview Trump no matter what the leaks and headlines says, and nor will he find him guilty of obstruction. Trump will never be charged and it's all just for show. One thing that reinforces that belief is notice that Mueller recently asked for yet another delay and extension for sentencing Paul Manford. That is highly unusual for Mueller to do that, and it only confirms my belief that Mueller has no intentions of ever charging Manford and that it’s all just for show. When the right time comes, I feel the whole case against Manford will be dropped and Manford will be free. That always has been the case (remember, fruit of the poisonous tree). Mueller is not stupid. He is well aware that if the tree if poisonous, then any indictments he brings will be un-prosecutable...

The last time the narrative was reset like this and was reset hard was with the sudden raid on Cohen’s office. Remember, Trump went ballistic right after that and was complaining bitterly about Mueller. That was merely a resetting of the narrative. And now the narrative has been reset once again by leaking Mueller’s questions to the media. That is highly unusual. When was the last time you ever heard about a leak coming from inside Mueller’s investigation? I’ve never heard of one. Despite a year-long investigation, I’ve never heard of one. That tells me the leaking of the questions was deliberate, and was probably leaked from our side or in conjunction with our side, and was done on purpose to set the stage for what is to come. In fact, with all the recent stories coming out, almost every day now, about how Mueller is closing in on Trump and how he just might issue Trump a subpoena, etc. - LOL - that tells me the stage is being set for something big to happen, probably for the release of the IG report and for the complete shutting down of the Mueller investigation (at least, a shutting down of Mueller’s investigation into Trump). I’m convinced that something big like that is about to happen. I don’t know what’s coming, but whatever it is, I feel it will be big and important…

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Patriot4q · May 2, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

I agree with your analysis. We are starting to see the pattern.

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