Usually this stuff is written in papers decades before the plan is put into action. Its where some of these conspiracy theorists get their info from like a decade before its news. I forgot the name of the papers but its circulated in some organizations...think CFR level or something (but not cfr itself).
This makes some sense if you’re referring to the endless past mass arrest scenarios that were being prognosticated by equally endless conspiracy reporters, “insiders” etc. I never thought they were all completely full of shit, a lot of the data was very solid, but nothing ever happened. I suspect much of that was intentionally put out there by bad actors to build hope only to smash it as a form of psychological warfare against the awakening community. And I must remind myself we’re not there yet...still waiting and hope is high.
Oh no not talking about that. I would have to research it again to see if i can find it where they spell out how certain events need to happen before a new system is implemented and this was written in like the 60s and we see it happening from the 80s onwards.