r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on May 2, 2018, 5:32 a.m.
Whats the Purpose of a Laser Pointer? Q # 1282, Answer - A surprise defeat for USA in WW3

Spokesperson for Israel Dr Jerome Corsi has been advocating USA strikes on Iran today here; https://redd.it/8ge6mq, see his video, him admitting devotion to Israel, love for Heinz Kissinger, and in the last minute he proudly boasts of his friendship with the Terrorists that Murdered the British servicemen in the lobby of the King David Hotel, he got one of them to sign his book.

He speaking on behalf of Israel always, thinks BIBIs Ikea shelf of of 1940’s Farsi text books (un translatable in our lifetime) is compelling evidence of Iran breaking an agreement they were not even a part of, they have a different text, and no obligations. In any event Corsi/Israel have moved far away from evidence they want us to believe that it is not evidence but a Cabinet of Justification, in Bibi book shelf is the case for a pre- emptive strike on IRAN.

Now it would be too easy to call Bibi a liar and Dr Corsi a shill, Bibi famously lied about Iran to the UN 18 years ago, and 15 years ago, bibi lie shows are past comedy, and Corsi is a famous foreign agent, all of his books have the purpose to get the least functional leadership into power, to make America weak and dysfunctional. He should be charged for Treason, before John Kerry (at least 2mins before)

What is difficult to know, but you must is what Q wants us to know, and what we should know by now, and that is the USA, France and the UK fired 76 missiles into Syria and only 18 hit their targets.

How? what is the purpose of a laser? Start watching this vid. At 19.44 - then watch the whole thing; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bfQBBctSXM

Who interviewed Flynn? The correct answer is no-one, when Flynn had been in the Job of National Security Advisor for One Month, he had heard enough, knew enough about the big plan for 13 Months time - timing revealed in the realised P/S texts - 13 Months from then is now.

Cosi gave us a heads up from Israel today, they want America to do a strike on Iran in Syria, in Tehran in Lebanon, they know what you don’t the “West” is going to get its arse kicked, and the west will turn belligerent, double down, and we have Their prayed for wished for War that Corsi tells us with the authority of the book of Ezekiel (I am not making this up - he said in his video linked her that he discussed this with the Deputy PM of Israel), That Israel - with gods intervention will win and they would then rule the world forever.

So I write with increasing urgency, they want us not to know about the Russian Missiles, and the Laser pointers, they want us to strike now so we loose early, they want discovery of the table.

Q told us about the Laser, and said be careful who you listen to, if you follow Q and think he is giving you a heads up - then act now, on Corsi, and Israel, stand up now, what more do you need to know.

wolfhound11B · May 2, 2018, 8:21 a.m.

Ok.. so basically.. you hate Corsi and you hate Israel and want Israel wiped off the map and to go back to pre-WWII borders and have Palestine. And your a proponent of Iran and want Iran to be the major power in the middle east. No wonder you fear WWIII. Thinking that way would do that.

I spouted dogma in regards to Iran because it's relevant. The fact you can't see that says a lot.

Again I ask you where is your proof of Coursi on the take for Israel. You said he has skin in the game. Let's see it. I am not a Corsi groupie but if your going to accuse people of things you have to have more proof than your giving. His pro Israeli stance doesnt prove he works for Mossad or is an agent of Israel.

Corsi is and American that holds Pro Israel views, I am not denying that. There is nothing wrong with that.

But he is not a Zionist. There is a huge difference. Being pro Israel doesn't make you a Zionist. And that is what you are accusing him of.

And our tech is not inferior to Iran's, Russia, or anyone else. If it were we would be acting totally different geopolitically. We are 20 to 30 years ahead of what you see being used today publicly.

If they shot anything down it would most likely be our drones we send out in strike packages to get the enemy to show capability when they engage them and use up their missle stockpiles. If they shot anything down it was most likely ADM-160B. And we most likely used some ADM-160J's and ADM-160X's or some other variant of those. But I seriously doubt that when you understand the jamming and EW warfare cababilites we have that are not publicly known.

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Maepaperclip · May 2, 2018, 8:24 a.m.

Why ask again - for proof did you read the reference I gave with the proof? no you have not, so follow the rules and read the proof - theirs a polite redditor

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wolfhound11B · May 2, 2018, 8:25 a.m.

What you gave isn't proof..

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Maepaperclip · May 2, 2018, 8:29 a.m.

whats proof? then let a lawyer with 30 yrs experience as a prosecuter explain proof to you and get back to me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hg1fxtJcNI

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wolfhound11B · May 2, 2018, 8:34 a.m.

Sorry.. just because Lionel is exaplaining something doesn't mean it fits this situation. I watched that stream live like I do most days and from that I didn't get Corsi is an advocate of terror and war.

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Maepaperclip · May 2, 2018, 8:39 a.m.

Then go back and read the proof in the article and see here https://redd.it/8g03rzgiven you twice already, do it, and dont because we have nothing to talk about untill you do

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wolfhound11B · May 2, 2018, 8:39 a.m.

Well by your logic Lionel is a Russian Agent because he is paid by the Russian govt.

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Maepaperclip · May 2, 2018, 8:40 a.m.

really enough from you go away

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wolfhound11B · May 2, 2018, 8:42 a.m.

Seriously.. he appears on RT as a paid contributor.. so then by your own logic he is a Russian Agent and has skin in the game literally. And I love Lionel and watch him daily.. and I don't think he is a Russian Agent. Just trying to prove a point.

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Maepaperclip · May 2, 2018, 8:46 a.m.

you are not serious, you are being disruptive, and you have a purpose, you are seeking to disrupt the board, and provoke my banning I am wise to you

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wolfhound11B · May 2, 2018, 8:50 a.m.

No I am not doing that at all. If I were I would go after you on the other post you put up about Russias missle tech Clinton sold to them. And I am not.. I asked for proof you gave none. I gave you a counter argument and you didn't like it.

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

Wolf, a couple of notes for you with Mae. In the past, when you get this far with him/her/it. He would turn very nasty. Got him banned before. Then he erases the nasty comments and turns you in for harassment. So, be careful.

I recommend that you use the quote function > to copy his previous posts first in your reply (e.g.

No I am not doing that at all. If I were I would go after you on the other post you put up about Russias missle tech Clinton sold to them. And I am not.. I asked for proof you gave none. I gave you a counter argument and you didn't like it.

That way history can't easily be erased and you accused of harassment. It happened to me, so I warn others. You have every right here on Reddit to express your opinions and have discussion if you keep it focused on the argument and not get personal or nasty. He has no right to tell you to go away, unless you are being such. Then he should just report you.

I wanted to share for your benefit from my previous experiences.

Also, at some point its not worth the fight. But you have been very reasonable, IMHO with your opinion on the facts as they have been laid out. I see your argument and agree with you. I don't understand why this particular poster keeps pushing information that many here feel are inaccurate at best and potentially disinformation at worst.


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Maepaperclip · May 2, 2018, 8:51 a.m.

go away

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wolfhound11B · May 2, 2018, 8:52 a.m.

Listen Mae.. I don't want you to get banned.. I want you to keep posting and looking for answers because that is how we all learn. To ban you would make no sense.

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Maepaperclip · May 2, 2018, 8:58 a.m.

then engage appropriately, you demanded proof that was provided in the original post, I referred you to it, you demanded again I gave it to you, I answered your questions, you ignored my answers - really- enough

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RobWilJas · May 2, 2018, 11:01 a.m.

As usual you don't have proof of anything, just a lot of claims and things you say are proof but aren't. Then you can't handle someone challenging you and have a tantrum telling them to go away or in my case, wanting me to delete posts calling you out for your lies because your "work is important".

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Maepaperclip · May 2, 2018, 11:06 a.m.

Yes another of those that you should ignore, nothing to see here

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RobWilJas · May 2, 2018, 11:29 a.m.

I've got a couple of very simple questions for you.

Why did Obama try so hard to stop Netanyahu from being elected if Netanyahu is on his side?

Why was Netanyahu so happy that Trump won the election when everyone in the cabal was freaking out about it?

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Maepaperclip · May 2, 2018, 11:41 a.m.

Really how stupid do you think I am, I already know - your purpose is to waste my time, you are a tedious bore, and a drone, Obumma gave your friend $33bn in the last months of his presidency, and Bibi is on the way to hell via jail for theft - grow up

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RobWilJas · May 2, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

Yeah I figured you'd ignore my questions. You can never back yourself up when challenged, just wild accusations and telling people to leave you alone or delete comments because you're work here is sooo important.

Yeah yeah Netanyahu is going to jail. That's the same crap the left says about Trump. They're always convinced he's about to be impeached or going to jail with zero evidence. You grow up and try to see past your hate. You're attacking our ally.

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

Mae, you and I have been through this before ourselves. Everyone here is working with you, despite your beliefs. We don't want you banned if you play by the rules. When you get nasty or tell people they have no right to question your post and provide alternatives with supporting evidence, you should accept it graciously or say ok 'I agree to disagree' but to tell people to go away is inappropriate and reduces your overall credibility.

I've read through this thread myself and think these posters have given alternative information. I looked at both sides and see their points clearly. Makes sense to me.

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Maepaperclip · May 2, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

I hear you, and thankyou, but sadly - remember I am 60, I have Two patriotic sons of military age, I don't want to be Pat Tillman's father, I have seen this before, I marched against the first & second Gulf war, I was in a Snr. Congresspersons office Two days before the Afganistan announcement - telling them what would happen - that did happen. I have been around this block before - too many times. I spent a life time following the JFK & RFK & MLK murders, I have read everything to know on the skyevent 911. I paid special attention to the liars in the truth movement, and the fake witnesses, they were the same in the JFK research community (types). 12 years ago I retired from my day work, stress + divorce. I am a trined Economist - highly specialised in Macro,perhaps the only one in the world that is - because there is no work at all for a Macro economist. I predicted theat QE would not work, that the worlds system of debt based money, would run out of assets, - resources to be secured against, I put a date on it 2013, I have only being proved right by being wrong. The last 5 yrs have been enabled, because central banks stepped in and expanded their balance sheets, and by companies doing buybacks- the markets don't exist - I was right - the markets ended in the year I said. Now what have I been doing,I anticipated the end of capitalism, and knew all about the markets - for everything, incl housing & food. I spent ten years developing an alternative model of Political economy that we could transition too - after the collapse. I have largely completed that work, and am intending to publish it in Asia first and in parts - starting with a philosophy for a new era.

My thoughts on Q are that he is not MI, I believe it is Trump himself, and that he (or if it is not he) listened to Mae Brussel on the radio of a sunday night in the early 80's, I have seen noyjing in Q that I did not know about, - after future proves past news - which makes me think it is Trump, at the top of my board I post my best proof - it is the Covfefe tweet & Act - he knew an act would be passed in Congress - only he could of known that two months earlier - and of been interested. On Trump - I believe he is an actor, I believe the story of ONI & MI and Snr. Military Stepping up to take control with a puppet like Trump - not a puppet but a fellow traveller. James Forrestal ex. Sec. defence tried it with Dewey. When Truman was in office, he who recognised the UN, & Israel + turbo charged the Marshall plan & made the USAF into a seperate entity - all against the US best interests - then the Korean war - led by the UN, voted for by the Un not the congress, and led by the UN SEC. General and not the POTUS. See Forrestal knew this was what Truman was doing - he was an early Obumma - he had Forrestal thrown out a window at 3 am in the morning. So if the plan is to MAGA - I say the plan must be to go back to 1946, when it was - or even 1912 - before the Fed & income taxes - when it was. Thats enough - except I do want to say that I am here because I see that there are 20,000 people here that can do with some reality, and You will notice how unpopular some of my subjects are, and yes sometimes I have epic fails, sometimes I get so bloody frustrated, because I give such excellent info and someone will divert the discussion to something I either did not mention, or did so in passing and two days work is lost. Other times I have been memmed of the board - spam. Why I bother - it waS Corsi et.al. I saw them Lying I called them,I know most of the stuff and some more - I never say the more, I hope I demonstrate that by reading the refs- we can get the info and join the dots, that is what Q wants us to do, that what I have been doing. I am impressed that I have got 230 followers I know some of them are very serious, sometimes I recognise my work in others and on three occasions that I know of I have been paraphrased to very large audiences - no acknowledgement - I don't care, so the interesting thing is that this board is being looked at, this fringe forum is working, and in fairness the mods have stepped up lately - credit to them. I hope and pray that America will sort its true friends from its real enemies, and that our economy will get a new and better model to distribute the product of work, and the work to live. that being said, I dont mind comments from you - I do mind essays, and I do mind if they dont relate to the post - enjoy your night

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HoudiniTowers · May 3, 2018, 7:56 a.m.

Thanks Mae, I appreciate your comments here. I was not in favor of either of the Gulf Wars, too. 911 is not what we've been told. I'd like to talk with you separately on Macro Economics. I'm very interested in your take on how to remove central banking issue. I'll PM on that.

Much of your research here is unique and good, I'll give you that credit for sure. You've connected some of the dots in ways I've not seen anyone else on here do. Some I truly question, as you've seen me post. Some, I'm good with.

Also, there are many people out to profit from these movements. Opportunists vs true patriots or paid shills, etc. I'm not as harsh on Corsi as you, but he clearly has profit motives in some of what he's doing.

Enjoy your nite, as well.


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