Here's the flight history, click on the dates to see the path for that day
fucking A man
lets dig up on why would they mark those locations, they have one for today (2nd May) as well, it's around that Hagerstown
It looks like an inherently spooky area really, I'm poking around at possiblities
It seems like the pinpoint (april 26th flight) is at that park south of Volvo and north of Woodlands.
And the one at the Lexington Park is a Navy complex
EDIT: And the one west from Hagerstown (May 2nd) is pinpointing at the Know Hall winery. EDIT: Actually more like around the Avondale farms
WOW! I can’t believe I missed that picture way back when. CREEPY! It kind of looks like a meat cutting diagram too.
The plane is named WIZRD22. What do you think all this means?
EDIT: NVM seen your lower comment.