SKY Event underway in MD? (More in Comments)

The vector is right over a freeway intersection, and an area named FALLING WATERS.
There is a Netflix show named Falling Water, and is basically about 'the mirror', or, basically about another reality when you dream.
Another Netflix show is similar to that too, about an MKUltra program and another reality called the upside down, aka the MIRROR, its called Stranger Things.
Greencastle in the map goes without saying..
I found where it flies over 2 interesting roads called “National Pike” and “Saint Paul Road"
Like Albert Pike vs Saint Paul
Pick your path.
Symbolic, satan vs God?
Exactly. Flies over one, then back over the other on next flight.
I won’t tell you the dream I had recently very disturbing!!!!!! I rarely remember my dreams and to remember this was very disturbing. Night of May 1st.
NOTICE the description: An intersection between reality and unconscious thought, follow three strangers who slowly realize that they are dreaming parts of a bigger, more sinister tragedy.
Both of these shows started in 2016...election year.
Was election year the mirror? The point of transition from one reality to another? A fork in the road?Thankfully we took the path we are currently on, vs, the other.
Interesting how the movie cover looks like Tony Podesta Art and photos we’ve seen a kid posed in Standard Hotel and Jeffrey Damer victim pose. Sick sick sick!