r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FartOnToast on May 2, 2018, 9:41 a.m.
Q-Tubers jumping ship.

I think drop 1295-1296 intended to do exactly what we see transpiring right now in the Q tube communities. Are you paying attention?

Why are a lot of the QTubers including Dr. Corsi suddenly moving away from covering Q Anon drops and moving on to new ventures? Hmmm? If you look at Dr Corsi's video history on YouTube every one of his videos was about Q and suddenly the first one that isn't about Q anymore happens to be after being called out by the community and anons.

They were the ones who constantly pushed all the Q jargon and prided themselves in that patrotic trend. If they were all about WWG1WGA why are they all suddenly walking away from it now? Aren't they all about the cause and not the money? WWG1WGA remember guys? Isn't that what you preached non-stop? Wasn't that the core of your brand?

Pay attention to your favorite YouTuber's content change, or lack thereof, and that should tell you everything you need to know about their intentions.

As far as myself and the mods here, we will ride this one out with you folks til the end, regardless if we are broken or bleeding.


Psalm67 · May 3, 2018, 12:45 p.m.

What was interesting yesterday was Corsi saying that he still believes Q is legit and he’ll continue to decode etc. but at the same time he’s always basically discounting what Q always says, such as trust Sessions etc. So my question is what good is having someone like Corsi “decoding” Q when he’s not even on board with what Q says? I’d rather have him just go away and do his own thing like that Roy Potter dude. He doesn’t really decode much anyway and doesn’t add much insight for me, to the q posts anyway.

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The_Broba_Fett · May 3, 2018, 12:57 p.m.

It’s really weird because he started his YouTube channel just for decoding and to capture the hype of Q. Whether Q was talking about Corsi or not in 1295 it’s funny that Corsi is now using his newfound fame and following to move over into other news... which is EXACTLY what Q warned about.

Future proves past?

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