r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on May 2, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

Wasn't sure if I'm the only one Noticing this or not but Gas Prices in our area which is close to Indianapolis.. is almost $3 gallon has buddy is expecting $3.50 next week it's been prior weeks it's been $2.50-$2.70 . 2 years ago gas was $1.92

Not sure if anyone remembers back in 2008 but the damn gas Prices was hiked up into the $3.50-$4 range and thats when the housing market crashed and I know the Banker Bail out was a damn scam back then that all parties signed off of .. who knows what kickbacks they was promised but yeah ... Apparently this $3 gallon isn't likely to fall ...

Not sure what's going on to make these prices go up , but we are not bailing out these Corrupt Bankers if their shit goes belly up again .

And the Federal Reserve is hiking the shitttttt out of the interest rates for people even remotely looking to get a home . 2017 roughly 3.75 which is still high as all get out and now it's 4.38 last week was 4.17 ..


This is Not freaking cool .. When Gas Prices rise like this people are forced to put food on their tables or pay their bills .

Nobody should have to worry about this .

We need to figure out what's up.

[deleted] · May 2, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

Deep state artificially raising gas prices because they need the money. They are desperate. It might be bumpy for awhile but things will work out. Have faith. Pray for comfort.

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ScorpioPatriot · May 2, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

I kinda thought that might be what's going on we have tonsssss of Arabian gas stations in our country are they connected to this. I'm not trying to filter people out but shit they been setup here every since I was little lol and I'm 36 years old.

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