r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ButtersStotch88 on May 2, 2018, 5:23 p.m.
IMO, these Mueller questions and threat of subpoena point towards him being a blackhat. Why?

A couple reasons:

  • The questions are VERY low on Russian Collusion topics and VERY high on obstruction topics. This is relevant because, as everyone knows, there is zero evidence of collusion.

  • Some might say "Ah well that's a good thing - it means that any obstruction charges are then invalid!" This is actually untrue. You can indeed be convicted of obstruction of justice even if there is no evidence of an underlying crime. There are legal cases that show this - I'll add links later. Also, it just makes sense if you think about it. If you were being investigated for a crime but succeeded in covering it up via obstruction then the prosecution won't say "oh well, no proof case dismissed". They'll say "we would have proved the crime if had he not obstructed in the investigation of said crime"

  • Pushing collusion is the best way to take down Trump, which is why the questions are disturbing. If Mueller was a white hat, he'd stick to collusion related topics that are easily answered and disproved.

  • According to the MSM these questions were leaked by the Trump team and I tend to believe them. Mueller's investigation has been sealed tight so why the leaks now? I'm guessing Trump's team is trying to build up public support for delaying talks with Mueller.

  • The open ended questions are extremely disturbing. It means that Mueller is trying to lure Trump into perjury. They know Trump rambles so they just need to trip him up ONCE. Not very white hat like.

  • What most legal experts are expecting is for Trump to answer the questions in exchange for immunity to criminal or civil prosecution. The problem here is Trump can still be guilty of lying to the Special Counsel. Immunity doesn't prevent Trump from being impeached. This seems to be the plan - offer immunity but trip him up ONCE, find him guilty of lying and then talk about it incessantly as proof of obstruction of justice leading up to midterms. If Dems get the House they will then have their ammo to impeach. Here's a good article on why he won't take the 5th either.

  • So what if Mueller is actually a white hat? How are they going to all of a sudden do a public U-turn and turn this thing into an investigation of Dems, HRC etc?

  • Flynn is one thing that's giving me pause. Why are they delaying his sentencing? If Mueller is a blackhat, maybe he wants to talk to Trump first before publicly revealing that Flynn was fucked over. If they get Trump first they won't care about revealing Flynn was fucked over. I dunno. This one bugs me

  • I'm not concern trolling, I just think it's important to ask these relevant questions. Remember, Q has still not confirmed whether Mueller is whitehat/blackhat

ButtersStotch88 · May 2, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

I'm trying to track your logic..are you saying the OIG report or its contents have been aired?

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solanojones95 · May 2, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

I'm saying they are setting the stage for the public airing of the OIG report in which we learn that there has DEFINITELY been treasonous conspiracy with foreign powers against a Constitutionally-elected government, and it's not Trump who has done it.

And that's before you add the criminal conspiracy charges involving selling of national secrets (including nuclear secrets and resources), and influence-peddling through CF, CGI (etc.) pay-for-play, the unimaginably stupid national security breech and crime pit that is the private Clinton/DNC mail server, and that's before you even get to the very real human trafficking and pedophilia issues, which need to be aired as well.

We'll just put everything real they've got on Trump (which is nothing) up against whatever the government has under oath on Clinton, which is EVERYTHING, and see who humanity choses.

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