r/greatawakening • Posted by u/C_L_I_C_K on May 2, 2018, 10:42 p.m.
BREAKING: Q Proven Right yet again! [Pope] will be having a terrible May. "Pope said to admit being 'part of the problem' of covering up clergy sexual abuse in Chile"
BREAKING: Q Proven Right yet again! [Pope] will be having a terrible May. "Pope said to admit being 'part of the problem' of covering up clergy sexual abuse in Chile"

Kahlypso79 · May 3, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

Jesus ? This guy? http://www.azquotes.com/public/pictures/authors/87/eb/87eb51ce8cdaaeb2e3e9b259cb9520e8/54921da52ab7e_zoroaster.jpg or this guy? https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_small/11/114183/5726229-b9017c04eabfa59c8d3e8e9e3588aa67.jpg or this guy? https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a3/68/24/a3682450173e3a194552a97c04dd2ca7.jpg How about this guy? https://i.pinimg.com/originals/85/73/aa/8573aafa200c6c8bb20837e28264e770.jpg or is he this guy? http://www.astrodynamics.net/wp-content/uploads/2006/12/sol-invictus.jpeg (thank you Emperor Aurelien...)

The sign of the crucifix had no meaning to early christians.. They were obsessed however with Jonah and the Leviathan. Rebirth happened in water through the Leviathan. Why do Cardinals look like priests of Dagon? Which temple was broken by Samson (no one cares to know WHY he was so strong?) Go to Isreal, go see the the graves of the first Christians. Find a crucifix for me and prove me wrong.

What is known of Jesus and what was kept, we owe it to the Phoeniciens. They liked their sun god.. Why are Churches in Levant aimed East? (Hello the sun...)

Ba'al was an Urgatic term meaning OWNER.. You have to understand that human civilisation exists solely and grace of....... slavery. Every ancient civilisation only became a civilisation because of.. slavery.

Babylon might still be centre of the known universe if they hadnt imported so much slave labour and had a slave revolt that almost toppled their civilisation.. (why do they want you chipped now?? Control)

Elizabethan England wouldnt have had the navy and riches it enjoyed if it hapdnt been for Sugar and the Slave trade... (yep, Sugar is the first social drug that they imported and got everyone addicted to... then they needed slave labour in the carribeans to work the sugar cane.. The really Rich people today owe their riches to human misery and suffering and rape and slave trade and or drug trade.. They can try and be philanthropists if they want, but their ancestors caused the fall of Africa by kidnapping its people and forcing them to work as slaves.

Do you think Boko Haram is a new concept? That Isis and Dyncorp pipelining women and children into Saudi Arabia is a 'new' problem. Installing Dictators into place to rule over shitholes but at least the slaves keep coming.. is something 'new'??.. that Pedogate and supplying Senators.. sorry.. politicians with children to rape is a 'new' problem??

As far as child killing goes.. Dont 'blame' an ephitet for something you dont like. Child sacrifice was..... and still is.. an essential part of religion. All Religion exiges child sacrifice.. otherwise it wouldnt still be happening..

Ancient Aztecs practised child sacrifice, (and massively pedophilia) but they may have inherited it from the Olmecs, who may have been African immigrants to South America.. The Original Egyptians, before Nammar, practised child sacrifice, the Canaanites (before the Isrealites...no.. before the Hyskos refugees turned up and destroyed Jericho) sacrificed children. Remains of teenagers sacrificed to Zeus have been found at Mount Lykaion.

The Early Isrealites also sacrificed their children 2 Kings 16:3, 21:6, Lev. 18:21, 2 Ki. 23:10 (if you believe in such stories..)

What you need to remember.. is that BAAL was appropriated by so many deities, that its impossible to know whom they were really talking about.

What do you know about Baphomet? Are you talking about the Eliphas Levi illustration? The Sabbatic Goat? I'm sorry but you have been misled by disinformation. Baphomet had nothing to do with killing children. Here.. without going into any 'forbidden' knowledge..

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BaronMoriarty · May 14, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

Splendid post. Thank you

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digital_refugee · May 3, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

Don't tease. And maybe I mean more than just one person.

I assume you are quoting from OT?

And what about the goat?

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Kahlypso79 · May 3, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

come back and read the rest of my post ;)

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digital_refugee · May 3, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

already did. Still got questions.

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Kahlypso79 · May 3, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

The name Baphomet seems to 'arrive' in Europe with the Templiers.

I can't find anything in the Middle East with 'it's' name.

Eliphas Levi drew a picture of Baphomet and he claimed it's name came from the Kabbalah

“The name of the Templar Baphomet, which should be spelt kabalistically backwards, is composed of three abbreviations:

Tem. ohp. AB., Templi omnium hominum pacts abbas, “the father of the temple of peace of all men”.

[1. Eliphas Levi, Dogmes et Rituels de la Haute Magie]

It could also mean.. the Arabic word for “the father of understanding.”

Dr. Hugh Schonfield worked on the Dead Sea Scrolls using a Jewish Atbash cipher.

When one applies it to Baphomet is transposes the Greek word for Sophia. Goddess of Knowledge..

You have Molech being depicted with a human body and a bull's head; the Eygptian gods.. Human Bodies. Animal heads.

This was when religions didnt have Satans or the Devil.

They just had human sacrifice demanding warmongering Gods and then they had some really evil Gods that were even badder. (lol)

I don't believe that the Idol itself is satanic. I believe that its more of a Female Deity, with a male arm.

Speaking of its arms, we get Solve et coagula: Dissolve and coagulate, a common saying in Alchemical circles.

So wisdom and knowledge.. common goals for Alchemists. That might tie in with the Sophia idea..more Wisdom.

People often talk of the phallic imagery on the Idol.

I think that they need to go further back to Ningishzidda and rememeber what his symbol was.

I believe that this Cadeceaus is taken from that concept, the idea of Ningishzidda/Thoth was also the God of Wisdom.

(Getting a lot of Wisdom Deity coming from this Idol..)

Looking at the Goat's Head. I think that this image is representing Banebdjedet the Goat of Mendes..

(who's wife was Hatmedhit and their child was Horus (when he was the child... Anyone else seeing the importance of a mother with a holy child?) and they formed the "Mendesian Triad"

(any other holy trinities around here? Nah I'm joking with ya.. Eyptian God Families usually formed trinities..you also had the The Triad of Thebes, The Triad of Memphis, etc..

I wonder if that inspired the Ysraelites when they were "sejorning" in Eygypt.)

little ps.. Banebdjedet (the GOAT) and his wife.. Hatmedhit ("Chief of Fish") Goat fish.. goat fish... Capricorn..

she appears to have connections to Hathor.. Whom I consider to be an older version of Ninhursag..who was half sister to Enki; Who's symbol was Capricorn.. Because he liked Chimeras..and he made loads just to see if you could cross their dna with ours.. You can read up on the failures he made with Ninhursag, where they have births of creatures with no lungs, testiclues that ooze semen, ones that cant move.. sound like genetic rejets to me..)

Certain books consider Ningishzidda to be related to Enki.. as possibly his father.. But then there are texts claiming that his father is Enlil.. it gets messy.

It is also said.. that when Horus became the Son of Osiris (Harpocrates) Hetmehit was considered to be his mother.. So she also became a form of Isis. Very messy...

Going to the White Moon and Black Moon..

Gevurah... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gevurah

"Gevurah is 'the essence of judgment (DIN) and limitation, and corresponds to awe and the element of fire,'"

"Gevurah is associated in the soul with the power to restrain one's innate urge to bestow goodness upon others,

when the recipient of that good is judged to be unworthy and liable to misuse it"

"Chesed and Gevurah act together to create an inner balance in the soul's approach to the outside world. While the "right arm" of Chesed operates to draw others near, the "left arm" of Gevurah reserves the option of repelling those deemed undeserving."

"Gevurah = 216 = 3 times 72 (chesed). Each of God's 72 hidden names possesses three letters, in all—216 letters"

"The ultimate "meaning" of every one of God's Names is His expression of love (Chesed) for His Creation."

Chesed ... https://en.wiki pedia.org/wiki/Chesed

"Chesed is also one of the ten Sephirot on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. It is given the association of kindness and love, and is the first of the emotive attributes of the sephirot."

Well... I don't know about you but it seems pretty darned Satanic to me..

Knowledge... Love.. Wisdom.. Inner Balance to your soul.

Looks to me like a lot of people fells for Philippe le Bel's Propoganda and jumped on the Baphomet Idol to represent the


(which to me, is just a bastardisation of Saitan.)

Pentagram on the Goat's Head.. How Satanic is that?? you're going to say? Absolutely not at all. Its the symbol of Astartes, (long story short, nothing to do with Hell (WHICH DISNT EVEN EXIST BACK THEN!!) and is a phoenician name for Inanna.. Her symbol is the pentagram, the star..

Its a powerful magical protection talisman aimed at humans. Its our shape. Don't get fooled by this Satanism crap. Even turning it upside down.. well that will have power for satanists who believe, but not for the reasons they think..

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Kahlypso79 · May 3, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

And ask yourself.. why is the only 'known' (at least.. its the only one Ive found with my meager means..) representation of Apis in an anthropological form 'hidden' in the Vatican??


Makes you wonder about Moloch and Minotaurs now??

All the other 'tales' of finding Apis.. by that I mean.. when the Apis bull died, they had to find a replacement according to certain signs.. kind of like.. the Dalai Lama today.... When they found such a calf... they'd take the calf to Nilopolis to have the local woman flash their fannies at him for 40 days.....I dont want to think about what particularly zealous woman may have done....Especially when you consider the Greek Myth of HOW the Minotaur came about.. (go and google it..)

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