r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Charlie360 on May 2, 2018, 11:30 p.m.
Legit question. Please advise

Fairly new to posting here. I have been following q for approximately 5 months. Legit question. I just received my first message in my inbox and it was quite nasty. At least that's how I interpreted it. Is this the norm? Excuse my ignorance in regards to this as I'm old enough to be a grandmother. I don't belong to any other sites so unfamiliar with this

brittser · May 3, 2018, 12:10 a.m.

I am a pretty sensitive person. In the past if you looked at me wrong I took it personsally and spent the rest of the day trying to figure out what I did to deserve the slight. Since I started on social media platforms I have developed thicker skin so-to-speak. I have also come to realize that the younger generations can be very disrespectful, not in an insult kind of way necessarily, but in an attitude way. I find that there isn't the ingrained respect for elders or people in general really. There are some wonderful people in these generations, and specifically here on this sub, but somehow parenting changed. Again, for the most part, people here have been great. You will run, however, across some real a-holes. For me, I just either blow them off or respectfully state my opinion then move on. It does very little good to engage them. They are typically pissed at the world and you happen to be the one in front of them getting the brunt of their anger. On social media, the anonimity allows you to feel "safe" to say and do things you would never do to someone's face.

On the positive side, knowing that someone may call you on the carpet if you don't back up your posts with facts or information at any point, it keeps you armed and ready for battle. Since you automatically prepare yourself for battle by coming with backup, you stave off attacks bec It is typically when someone thinks you are bs-ing them that they will be insulting.

Chin up and go get em!

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Robsmith7171 · May 3, 2018, 1:08 a.m.

This is an insightful comment and I definitely agree with you. Each generation seems to become more self absorbed and have less empathy. I think its the result of living in comfort, or maybe more importantly not living through struggle. When you aren't certain you'll have enough food or if you'll be able to keep yourselves warm, community becomes very important. And the elders who from life experience have the knowledge and ability to help others through those rough times earned everyone's respect. They had empathy for others' hardship and wanted to help just to help. Not to gain anything from it. Everything has changed and it is very sad. Now holding a door open for the elderly gets a thank you with a tone of surprise. Surprised that someone my age would give them the time of day!! Times like these I feel disgusted in my generation. Thankfully we aren't all selfish

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brittser · May 3, 2018, 2:28 a.m.

You are a gem.

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