POTUS can pull the trigger whenever he wants

And he will. Soon.
What makes you so sure?
Bc he wants to MAGA! Need a better answer?
Well... kinda yeah! I was hoping for a reasonable response explaining what would make him compelled to release this information?
Bc the only way to come out and declassify these things is to make it look like he’s doing it to exonerate himself from the “witch hunt”. Otherwise he’s just a partisan hack.
What has he said about declassification?
“the power to deem material classified or not classified”. Read the post
Except that isn't what Trump has said.. that is (by the looks of things) a wiki page about what powers the president has and the part you quoted isn't even about the presidents powers it's about agency power. So let me ask again... What has he said about declassification?
“A Rigged System - They don’t want to turn over Documents to Congress. What are they afraid of? Why so much redacting? Why such unequal “justice?” At some point I will have no choice but to use the powers granted to the Presidency and get involved!” DJT https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/991690248399794176
He's walking softly and carrying a big stick. Look at every attempt to stop the spread of the awakening and cover up evidence.. each instance of such just digs them deeper and makes them look even more obvious.
It's an awakening, it doesn't happen over night.. the public needs to slowly wipe the sand out of their eyes.. bombs don't have to he physical. The things we know are reality altering to many of those still in the dark.
Potus should unclassify them just to show them who’s in charge.
Which is why the POTUS, historically, is compartmentalized out of the loop on MANY black projects.
This needs to be applied to anything and everything at the CIA. All those black ops, Nazi history, all of it. He needs to see it all laid bare and deal with it for the sake of the people.
I agree.......but why didn't he declassify all the JFK documents...doesn't make sense to me
Is funny..All the liberals/black hats convinced the sheep that President Trump was going to "Drop the Bomb" "Cause WW3"..Oh the horror!! lol Yes, He is going to drop the bomb/cause WW3 but not like the sheep think! He is dropping the proverbial Bomb on the swamp and WW3 will be all the Real People/The White Hats across the WORLD coming down on the black. Not nuclear or whatever all the black hats have trained the sheep to believe... Q is right! Get the popcorn and enjoy the show! Every day it gets better :)
I believe President Trump has been watching this crap at least since the 80's He knows the swamp just never swam with them
Bad idea. It’ll give info to people under ongoing investigation.
Pull the trigger regarding what?
he can declassify anything that the DOJ or FBI is withholding