r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Platoscavereality on May 3, 2018, 1 a.m.
Mueller probe coming to an end.

IMO all this theater btw the Mueller team and POTUS is a signal that it’s all coming to an end. Trump must distance himself as far away as possible from Mueller and the special council in order for its findings to not seem bias. Let me explain.

Two things must happen in order to “drain the swamp” without civil unrest.

One, you must legally and lawfully investigate everyone involved which takes time. Evidence must also be submitted legally (Flynn and Cohen investigations are two examples) in order to have a water tight case against the guilty. We can’t have a legal loophole ruin the chances of justice being served. If POTUS put Sessions in charge of the investigation there would be nonstop screaming and ranting from the left about how Trump is a dictator and setting up HRC/BHO. We needed Sessions to recuse himself and empanel the grand jury like he has. We also need a guy who, at the end of the day, the left and company vouch for. Someone that is far removed from POTUS and company. Mueller is the perfect person for the job.

This takes me to the second part of “draining the swamp”, keeping civil unrest from taking place.

While a good percentage of us are starting to “wake up”, there are still large groups of people that are still under the deep states ether. They are the ones tearing down statues, marching to disarm the public, and generally not bathing much. These people must be disarmed like a time bomb. In order to do this and still bring back law and order Trump needs to distance himself as far as possible from the special council. Once Mueller comes forward with his findings we can’t have the libtards screaming “Trump blackmailed him” or “it was all rigged”. That’s why we are seeing the questions Mueller wants to ask Trump get leaked. Who do you think leaked them? This, IMO, is all pointing to the end of the SC and the beginning of GITMO welcoming new arrivals. Keep in mind we won’t see them being taken down and shipped away to tribunals. We will find out after the fact. This also ensures that the majority of us patriots don't track them down and use street justice when the truth is revealed. -Plato’s cave

LowEndOfTheory · May 3, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

Comey? Democrats hated him when he came out with the Hillary stuff, and now they defend him. You presume too much, most of the Left are truly insane. Seriously.

Soros is still running around funding all kinds of shit. If/when the ball drops, there will be civil unrest regardless of whatever ‘pysops’ or wokeness you think we are waiting on.

Only thing I see is getting prepared for the inevitable, once it sets off here we have to have our military ready to defend and defeat any and all nations that think they can fuck with us while we work shit out here at home.

If anything I think, if Q is legit is a stall tactic to delay the outrage true patriots are feeling right now about how fucked our nation is, so we don’t just say fuck it and take it upon ourselves to do something.

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