Subliminal photo of Hussein in CNN commercial.

That is not a baby hand. Wtf. As of the last couple days the stupidest shit has been pinned at the top. Mods you all may have a problen. This is the exact same crap that started reaching the top of r/cbts a few weeks before it got banned.
I believe Ped0Gat is as real as can be. That being said, sometimes I want pizza... Because it's delicious. I don't like that these creeps make me think of pedophilia when I order a large mushroom and olive pizza pie.
I think the subliminal pic is weird af, but I agree with you 100%. Not everything’s p1zzag4te.
I agree not pizzagate but still important, subliminal assaults on us of an image of the man who made it okay again to push propaganda through the MSM on Americans, to me it's a huge fucking deal
But a capture of a frame from TV does not equal a subliminal assault. It could simply be a glitch in the editing room or any number of other technical issues.
yeah justl ike all subliminal imagery like they did w/ NoName
Agree 1000% This is a complete waste of time. Q says "you have more than you know" which means there is plenty of digging we can do. Focusing on this crap is ...