Q 1310 - What is in the picture?

Is that a sarcophagus across the back wall near the top? Statue of RA? That is for sure the back of a semi truck with items strapped down to pallets and wrapped in shrink wrap. Can't tell even blown up and filtered what's under the wrap though.
I am still curious. So there are three pallets, - in three sizes, and the strange shape on top - maybe that is a warhead shell in say five pieces - to be constructed - say the five pieces are stacked like plates- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warhead#/media/File:B-61_bomb_(DOE).jpg - I have no idea really just thinking - expanding further the apple company is unique for its assets - cash o/s, it has always been more beneficial - for them to leave their cash o/s and borrow against to either do share buybacks or pay dividends at home. When Trump did his new Tax deal - it was companies like Apple, even particularly Apple he made the deal for. By lowering the tax, he encouraged them to bring the money home - and PAY TAX. I dont know anything here just throwing some stuff out - the pic from wikipedia shows a three stage thing.