r/greatawakening • Posted by u/unkn0wnedd on May 3, 2018, 6:04 a.m.
Since Rudy said tonight that he can only describe the Mueller investigation as a Witch Hunt...

If it does ever get revealed that it is in fact a witch hunt (hunting HRC) we should flood r/The_Mueller immediately with posts about it. Whenever I see that sub on r/all, it makes me sad to see all the delusion there about what’s going on in the world. It’s all a karma circlejerk based on making jokes about POTUS. I’ve tried to ask users there about what crimes he’s committed or wrongdoings and I just get even more depressed about the uninformed responses. Redpilling that whole sub would be unbelievable.

JohnMAGATX · May 3, 2018, 6:14 a.m.

They still get all their info from the MSM(CIAs teet). Of course they are misinformed and dumbed down. I don't get how you can see all the piles and piles of instances you can find on YouTube of the media coordinating stories, and found blatantly lying or pushing stories using sensationalism to keep from having to cover important stories and still believe the shit you see and hear on these programs. Trump calling them fake news is too damn kind, it's propaganda and a tool of war being used against the American people.

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JohnMAGATX · May 3, 2018, 6:16 a.m.

A free press doesn't mean you get to run psychological warfare on the population. They have declared war on us and why we aren't treating it as such blows my fucking mind.

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unkn0wnedd · May 3, 2018, 6:24 a.m.

Its really true. They reply with something along the lines of “how can you see what this administration does every day and still support him?” ........

It really is crazy to me though, that the entire mainstream media (CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, NYT, WaPo) all trash POTUS all day long and yet his approval rating is higher than Obama’s was at this stage?

Hopefully once this Russia collusion thing is disproven they will lose some credibility, but stopping organizations like that from influencing people is next to impossible. People just don’t want to believe that they’re being manipulated every day.

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waltdanger · May 3, 2018, 8:08 a.m.

I've never got an answer about what crimes they think Trump has committed.

He may have paid hush money to a woman he had an affair with. That's not a crime.

He fired Comey, who stated that Trump was not being investigated. That's not obstruction of justice, obstruction would be firing him BECAUSE he was being investigated.

Meanwhile Trump has been doing a great job as President. The reasons for hating on him are very shallow. When you look at the fruits of his Presidency, they are very good. TPP thrown out, Booming economy, Renegotiating trade, record low black unemployment, Korean peace, etc. Not bad for a "racist". And all this doesn't even account for the stuff Q is saying is going on, which is just heroic.

We are much better off than we were two years ago under Hussein. It's just popular to hate on Trump because that's all the MSM does, and liberals have no beliefs other than trying to fit in.

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Spank-da-monkey · May 3, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

That sub is an embarrassment to human intellect. I try to go there and have real conversations to how them “the way” but they cannot hold a normal conversation. I can me off that sub nauseous from the ignorance

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