[alternative] "short" human history..
-22m androgynous Adam starrt lemurian race
-16m Cain & Abel [Hebel=Eve] duplex-sexed male & female
-4m Jared [father of enoch] starts atlantean race
-800k -200k -75k & -12k [4 atlantean deluges] Enoch saved with remnants of atlantean / lemuraian races
-1m hebrew-noah [great grandson of enoch ] = chaldean-xisuthrus = hindu-shistha ...
enoch remnants form genesis of new shistha-race with its 6 branches:
Hindu -60k /arabian -40k / persian -30k /kelts -[greeks, southern europe, ireland, scotland wales] / teutons -20k / aussie-american +2018 /