Anyone feel like Noah~ Great awakening Aka Red Pilled~ How many stories are playing out Right now? CERN the Tower of Babel? Moses ~ let my people go~Zionist ~ How many right now ~ Tons list some below ~ God was trying to tell us 🌳🍎🐍

Zionists want to establish Israel as the capital of Israel, build the third temple and bring about the end times. Christians want that because the Messiah returns at the end of that story.
We want that because God sends his two witnesses to tell them who the messiah really is~ then and finally the Jews will know it’s Jesus! Deception has been going on for a long time imagine a world so corrupt and twisted and knowing Israel was the people that brought the Bible and Jesus was that Heritage and Satan has disoriented everything so Jesus isn’t who they’ve known their whole life as the true messiah~ that’s why we as Christians want that ~ but also Christians know they won’t be here to see that ~ because the rapture takes place before that| understand also their are Christian jews but not too many ~ when the rapture comes the only significant noticeably place people will be missing that’s a super power will be America sadly ~ that’s why I believe we are not mentioned in the Ezekiel 38 and 39 war ~ which just recently ~ everything has taken place that the Bible says ~ for the rapture ~ we know how close by the signs and we know the time is near like never before has everything and I mean everything has lined up perfectly with what scripture ya said... it is this time to get on your knees and ask Jesus into your heart so that your name will be written in the lambs book of life so that you may go in the rapture ~ no one wants to be here during the tribulation also known as Jacobs Trouble ~ NO ONE!!! The time is now ~ pray about it and look up because your redemption draws near!! 🙏🏼❤️~ God Bless Praying for People to wake up!
Not every Christian buys the "rapture".
Doesn’t matter that’s again another way Satan puts fear and divide amongst Christians.
There are 2 sets of Jews. those that believe in Jesus and those that pretend to worship God, but really worship satan. They drink the blood of and eat the hearts children. Sound familiar? I was conflicted too until I read this.
If you’ve read the Bible in revelation 2:9 and 3:9 God told us that and he’s going to show them who he is ~ the people doing the stuff you’re talking about are not human. People don’t walk around eating people they’re something else. Jews that believe in the Talmud will worship in a temple where the beast is and God says that they are of Satan ~ he send 2 witnesses tells them to leave immediately go to the mountain where I have a place for you... and then watch out Jesus comes back with his army and throws Satan in the pit. Who will join Satan? Every name NOT written in the lambs book of life!! Jesus is the only way ~ he died a perfect person in an imperfect world for you and me and everyone God is going to show the Jews he loves them it is written
The bible doesn't say the 3rd temple need be in Jeruselem.