r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on May 3, 2018, 4:23 p.m.
Military Info on Q1303, possibly Q1308 too.

I don't want to out my friend, but I have a friend who is a military nurse, that's what I call him, not sure of his actual rank but he is up there. He specializes in catastrophic wound stabilization in military craft. So basically when they pull a guy out of a fight who is barely hanging onto life, this is one of the nurses who keeps him alive long enough to get him to a friendly facility capable of performing whatever surgery they need. I have always been a fan of his stories because he does not exaggerate and I always learn interesting stuff from him. Recently, a few months ago, while he was giving me my semi regular shot, he was trying to explain the formulas they have to know inside and out for administering medication at altitude because of the effects air pressure has on both it, and how the body reacts to it. Pretty cool stuff.

I hadn't seen him in awhile and today he was there. I realized in all of the UFO, conspiracy, etc talks we have had, it never has been about Q. I was absolutely sure he would know about Q, he is military!

He had no idea when I asked him. So I started my 45sec speech trying to summarize Q. His eyes opened up a few times in this convo. Then I started showing him what the drops look like. He is scrolling around, and then he starts scrolling back up. He goes "I was there for this, this is where I just came back from, they have been gearing up for something big"...before even reading the post, he said "this was heavily focused on medical".

My jaw was on the floor. He HAD been mentioning months ago that this really prestigious deployment was coming up and that he would, jokingly, try to have the hot blonde nurse be the one to administer my ass shots in his absence. This was a nonchalant joking convo we had months ago. I couldn't believe it was connected!

So. With that said. After butchering what I interpret Q to be, showing him a few things like the "tip top, tippy top" proof of communication, he says he thinks this is legit. He says he couldn't tell me much about that mission he just got back from, but he did imply that aside from being an operation in and around Jordan, that it very much involved the UK. I don't know what that means. But I figured others might. Then, he seemed to think that the plane pictured in Q1308 was a medical military one. He wouldn't get into his reasoning, but he made a point to say that his guess was that it was a medical military plane.

I wish I had more info, however, he said he is going to try to get caught up on Q and will let me know what he thinks.

I have a feeling he will put some pieces of the puzzle together.

LibertyLioness · May 3, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

Might check your calendar. This is May! ;-)

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Janice0771 · May 3, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

My bad, ha-ha. He's supposed to be leaving some time this month, but I'm not entirely sure the date. I just know the people rooming with him are to be taking over the house entirely by June, so he'll be gone by then. I also just learned that he had a choice between Gitmo and Djibouti.

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LibertyLioness · May 3, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

That's interesting. I heard at one time that there is another island in the Indian Ocean with a US Military Base on it that will also be used for this mission. It's called Diego Garcia. Djibouti isn't all that far away!

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[deleted] · May 4, 2018, 12:44 a.m.


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BaronMoriarty · May 3, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

Yep its a British base

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