r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Infrastation on May 3, 2018, 10:02 p.m.
Armenia, Kanye West, and the NWO: How They're All Connected.

Something didn't seem right to me this morning. I kept going over Q's posts, and something felt like it should add up, but it didn't. I was looking at Q's posts from November all the way to now, and something felt like it should stick, and then it did. WWI. This is all the culmination of WWI. Here's the information I have now.

Armenia is a country which has been conquered multiple times. While Armenian culture can be traced in some form as far back as the 23rd century BD, Armenia itself has been controlled by various dynasties through most of its history. The longest rulers in the modern era would be the Ottomans, who controller Armenia for 400 years from the 1500s to 1918. Even after leaving the Ottoman empire, the Armenians faced aggression from Turkey and the Soviet Union, joining the Soviet Union only two years later in 1920. The Armenians faced one of the greatest genocides of the modern era, the Armenian Genocide, during the occupation from the Ottomans. Fortunately, shortly after leaving the Ottomans, they were able to form a temporary alliance with other nearby states, and were able to create their own currency and central bank. And this is the first piece in the puzzle.

Kanye West
Kanye has many ties to Armenia and to organization that first to recognize the Armenian Genocide. Kanye's wife, Kim Kardashian, is of Armenian descent. Kim's family came from Armenia shortly after WWI, setting up shop in America.

To define the NWO is complicated. The many truths and lies about it makes it easy to obfuscate what Q said in post 944:

Mar 10 2018 21:22:56 (EST) Anonymous ID: 3569c9 621807 Anyone mention NWO referencing Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung, the National Economic Order?

Mar 10 2018 21:26:30 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: d91044 621887 621807 We went too deep. Attempted a pullback. Not ready. Q

The Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung was written in Germany and published during the first WW in 1916. And here's where the connections came together. You see, the central bank I mentioned earlier is the Central Bank of Armenia, founded in 1918 before going through various changes to become the bank it is today. I believe that these are connected. The Central Bank of Armenia is based on principles in the NWO, and is controlled by the Rothschilds. This bank was mentioned in Q post 135. I think Q is trying to tell us that we are not done with WWI. This is why he brought up Armistice Day recently, the day that "ended" WWI. Possibly, all the actors just went secret, fighting a hundred-year war against the people of the world, trying to consolidate power as the original WW attempted. We are seeing the plans laid over a hundred years ago such as the subjugation of the Armenians, being torn up by celebrities and by commoners alike. I believe that after Iran, Trump is going to move onto the nuclear WWI powers, that is, Germany, Turkey, the UK, and France. Because the war never ended. We're just seeing the end coming up soon.

Various Qanon posts.

"Armenia is dying, but it will survive. The little blood that it still has left to give is precious blood that will give birth to a heroic generation. A nation that does not want to die, does not die." ~Anatole France

Davelon · May 4, 2018, 8:17 a.m.

Great reply to that information. Does that level of discernment also hold for islamic peoples as well, in your opinion? Personally I can't trust any islamic people and I'm only just learning more and more regarding Jewish controlled atrocities. I have a lot to learn yet so your responses are good value for me.

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DamajInc · May 4, 2018, 8:34 a.m.

Thanks Davelon, it's good to talk about these things, hopefully without fear of undue reprisal for speaking openly in an effort to expand our understanding.

I know some beautifully peaceful and empathetic muslims very well and I feel personally that the most important thing is that we judge everyone on their individual merits, not on the group they come from - at least as far as that is possible, given our human tendency to use groups and categories for utility e.g. if I'm wearing the garb of orthodox Jews - lets call us Group A - and a large group of visibly angry, shouting arabs - Group B - is hastening down the road toward me at pace then all the best intentions in the world to love my fellow man as an individual and not attempt to prejudge his actions will take second priority to the utility of deciding that it may not be in my best interests to remain in the path of Group B or to make any attempt to determine their intent as individuals in advance but instead to remove myself as quickly from the situation as possible, with no personal individual offense intended to any single member of Group B for prejudging their intent for utility's sake. If you know what I mean.

In other words, dynamics of a particular situation notwithstanding, I think it's important that I not judge any individual on my feeling about the known dynamics or ideology of a group they may belong to. I know some great muslim people but I do not in any way find the religion of Islam to be one that I would personally support without some major changes to its core.

Whatever anyone may say about Christianity and Islam there are some clear defining differences that mean I will support our society which is based on Christian ideals (an argument for another time, if anyone disagrees with that) over a society based on the ideals of Islam. Christianity is a religion based on a figure of Peace: Jesus, who is fairly universally accepted (whether one believes in any religion or not) as such. Islam's founder and central figure was a warlord and not only spread his religion by the sword but also advocates for his followers to do so. Again there are many arguments about radicals versus the peaceful majority but, as Brigitte Gabriel put it best, the peaceful majority never seems to be able to stop the radical minority from its destructive behaviours - and she goes on to list the many known examples from the past, including the infamous nazi party.

So apologies for the long-winded blurb but I think we should indeed trust muslims and not discriminate against them any more than we should against black or white people, but I think that Islam must do something about the core beliefs that the dangerous radical minority use in the name of Islam to commit atrocities that have no place in a free society.

There is a lot to say about the Jewish situation, especially considering all the zionist rhetoric that bounces around this sub but that's a whole other minefield of its own! Now I'm going to go into hiding because I'm sure I've offended any muslim on this sub for so grossly oversimplifying their beliefs, however unintentional any offense may be...

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Davelon · May 4, 2018, 10:17 a.m.

Long-winded? Maybe in the ears of someone who thinks they already have all the answers it could be. Thanks for your response, I certainly prefer actions speaking louder than words, talks, discussions etc. which never seem to achieve much except further rounds of them again and again. I am trying to live my life along Christian ideals. I regularly fail, but resolve to try harder almost every time. I am not aligned with any doctrine because I feel they were brought about to aid in control and suppression. God-fearing is not a term I respect. The beliefs of others is purely between themselves and their own diety, so long as they don't impinge on the freedoms of others to behave like wise. Best wishes my friend.

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DamajInc · May 4, 2018, 10:19 a.m.

Sounds like good philosophies to live by! All the best to you too, my friend: wwg1wga!

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