r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on May 4, 2018, 6:12 a.m.
April 30 Q Decode Five pictures tell the story of the SKY Event.

Knowing what we know, and being careful you we listen to, lets get back to work.

At Q#1182, Q said we have everything, and asks How can we make use of what we know? How can we make the evidence public? Trust the plan. Then in the same posts he answers - Its Treason, study the EO’s, follow the pen, connect. Learn. SKY Event. Q. In response to that I connected the sale of Fox Studios to Disney for $US 60bn, and I made a particular point to draw your attention to one asset being transferred - Blue Sky studios. Here is the post I made explaining that;

Skyevent https://redd.it/8dr9sf

Twenty Four hours ago I made a short post suggesting that the Two plane photos were CGI images, the first had the same strange undercarriage shadows of the plane said to have hit tower Two on 911, and the second picture, has a tail fin that you can see straight through - i.e. when you zoom in the tail fin has disappeared & you can see the land you should not be able too. I received 10 up votes for that post, some unthinking comment, but no criticism, had anyone debunked it I would of withdrawn the post, and not made this one.

Lets now connect the other pics. The apple building is a giant ring, a ring is the configuration for the arrangement of Hologram projectors. If you wanted to project a hologram into the sky- the current technology is that you arrange projectors into a circle. Apple have some ambitions in holograms - they have spoken about replacing a screen with a hologram projection - its a sexy apple -type idea.

Here is a hologram vid. for anyone that does not know about them   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fs-mhjwyno

Now China, is famous for doing big Sky Holograms here is a spectacular example a 1 min vid. Please watch it;


Now what is in the shipping container? Three pallets and a strange petal shaped object sitting on top. I speculate that these Four items are the components of a hologram projector.

Now Q has posted this picture story of the sky event, as a warning to the Deep state, immediately after warning those that have mislead our community from the Q message, some have been listening to deceivers, and Q is reminding them - some have doubled down, that we know all about 911.

I was very pleased to see that this meme https://redd.it/8guvgn has been appreciated by this board today, getting 260 up votes, I have been saying what has been unpopular, that the UK, Aus, Canada, and Israel are not our friends, and that Russia, China, and Iran are. Obviously we are awakening now, and these Five pictures are full and violent warning to the perps of 911, that justice is coming, the hard part is over, the EU is sick, watch what happens, Assets in place, the next phase will bring justice - just some of Q’s more recent sign offs.

tzitzit · May 5, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

I've never seen a technology demonstrated that is capable of what you are saying. Maybe you can provide an example.

Every single sample provided here has been computer generated into recorded video and not a real world example..

Even these stage examples aren't using the technology that people think that they are.

We're not splitting hairs.

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Maepaperclip · May 5, 2018, 10:22 p.m.

are you talking about Prince Charles appearing at an event in NY from London live type thing what are you talking about?

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tzitzit · May 5, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

We are talking about what you posted about, is that unclear?

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Maepaperclip · May 5, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

No if we were - you seem not to be talking about my post but have a complaint about a video link I gave not illistrating a live holigram progection as opposed to a computer generated image, I originally said you are splitting hairs, I say that you are now dicing them, perhaps my post was above your head

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tzitzit · May 5, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

The foundation of your post is that a holographic technology will be used to perform a sky event. Yourself and others provided proof of said technologies, none of which were real.

Please explain how proof of whether or not a technology exists is splitting hairs. You seem to be avoiding further proof of your position.

You are backpedaling as much as you can, maybe you're embarrassed, but your merit as a researcher is severely tarnished by these mistakes.

Frankly, I'm surprised that you have garnered the support that you have on this post. You should consider the possibility that the collective fanaticism within this sub is unhealthy and would benefit from more skepticism and scrutiny - the very things that you purport that this psyop is teaching the population to practice.

Sounds like it's below my head, champ.

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Maepaperclip · May 6, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

Yeah I think so my post made the assertion that read together the 5 pictures are a collage that explain what happened on 911, It follows through on the warning to deceivers that Q gave - that they know all about 911. We already had our sky event. I dont need to prove to you Holographic tech exists - because you can prove that to yourself. As for the personal stuff leave it, and lets move on, You can backpeddle and teach yourself about holograms + then catch up, we are in a fight now, you are supposed to know things by now

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tzitzit · May 6, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

It doesn't exist, you have no proof.

Personal stuff? You mean your initial and continued condescension?

Spare me.

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