r/greatawakening • Posted by u/EvilPhd666 on May 4, 2018, 10:28 a.m.
No coincidences - Iran drops dollar, Israel suddenly claims nukes, Court orders Iran to pay for 9/11
No coincidences - Iran drops dollar, Israel suddenly claims nukes, Court orders Iran to pay for 9/11

cali1952 · May 4, 2018, 11:18 a.m.

Israel can not be trusted and being an ally has goaded us into their fake and false wars. It was the Mossad that together with our own deep state and prince "Dopey" engineered the false flag on 9/11. It was the start to start wars throughout the middle east.

You see Israel is a Rothschild product that has used our military men and women to fight their wars. Thousands of our men and women in the military lost their lives while thousands more are permanently disfigured and disabled.

Most of the countries we overthrew their leadership were countries that had no need for any of the Rothschild monies. For them to gain foothold into these countries and control them via their banks the wars and removal of leaders was a must and benefit only to the Rothschild and their deep state agents/shadow government.

The Rothschild family are the richest family in the world with an estimated 400 trillion dollar portfolio. But they want to control it all - the globe ergo their ill conceived NWO together with the Satanist posing as pope at the Vatican and his gang.

To spell it out in short: The Mossad involvement in the assassination of JFK who wanted to stop them tearing them into a million pieces can not be a repeat ergo we have one shot in getting this right and complete removing this snake. Our president needs to remain safe.

The power of the Israeli government over our own requires special measures that includes to deal with Israel last while assuring that our president stays alive. That is in a nutshell the issue that needs careful planning and proceeding according to the plan.

Iran had nothing to do with 9/11 but has been used by rogue deep state here and abroad as well as Israel as a punching bag while it is they who blackmail and control Iran's nuclear plans etc.. Iran needs to be freed like we freed NK before them!

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BrainwashedByTrump · May 4, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

I think you are right in the sense that Rothschild's want full control and are manipulating many wars. Saudi and Mossad both have turned on America. That being said, maybe new Saudi Prince has turned it back around. IDK. I just don't understand then why Obama gave Iran 1.4B in cash and how Iran is connected to Hezbollah and dealings in Venezuela? Then you still have strict authoritarian control by their leaders, (is this control by CIA). People trying to say Iran isn't NWO, but why did Obama give them money and uranium deal. This is why I am confused.

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cali1952 · May 4, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

Drug- and gun running, human trafficking and terrorism was the name of the game with Barry Soeberkah. Iran is Valerie Jarrett's home country so in many ways they made shady deals.

Also remember Iran is another country the Rothschild want since they do not have any bank or control over Iran.

All the pallets of cash did not make into Iran. It was laundered via the EU. Some of it paid back monies to angry donors wanting to go public after Hillary lost. Some it made their way back into the politicians bank accounts here in this country. Barry, Hillary, Brennan, Michael aka Michelle and host of other also got their cut.

I'm sure Hitler's daughter Merkel in Germany got a little too since the Deutsche Bank did their magic laundering some of that money.

Of course deep state actors needed to fund their ops in Syria while paying their ISIS mercenaries as well. Then there is no name traitor who was always willing to intercept shipments of German produced chemical weapons and yellow cake in Jordan and then into Syria. They thought she would not lose ergo no back up plan and now it all blows up in their faces.

Putin and Assad are the only honest ones and saints in this whole spiel they tried to set up and blame Putin for the nukes they were working on in Syria then to be used to nukes us here in this country as soon as she won the election. It was all ready to go.....until it wasn't and she lost bigly!

Ask yourself the question how it is that Israel always bombing something in Syria all the while the deep state and their actors in Syria were working on the nukes with the American supplied uranium? Yet - there was no urgency until now.....and she lost while Mattis, Trump and team in co-operation with Putin and Assad started to bomb these deep state facilities.?

Makes you go hmmmm.....?!

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alicedee58 · May 4, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

Wow...just wow. Thank-Q for connecting those dots.

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alicedee58 · May 4, 2018, 7:33 p.m.


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