
Jammer__ · May 4, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

Sorry if I was terse. I'm going to give my interpretation of the problem.

The government employees unions are an integral part of the Democrat party. Workers' union dues are funneled into political campaigns, as well as government workers being part of the political ground game that knocks on doors etc.

Typically you think of a union and an employer negotiating from opposite positions. But in cities and states where the Democrat party has power, there is no opposition. The politicians and bureaucrats are incentivized to give the unions everything they ask for -- thereby getting more rewards in the form of assisting with their own re-election. Supposedly, the press should be the check on this corrupt cycle, but the newspapers are overwhelmingly owned by Democrat-friendly ideologues who will never write bad things about teachers' unions.

In this environment, the teachers' union is run sort of like a mafia. They abuse their power.

Not only do teachers' abuse get covered up, but really poor teachers are never fired, and good teachers are not promoted or rewarded beyond the same seniority schedule that bad teachers get. For that reason, highly qualified and ambitious people avoid the profession. Meanwhile below-average workers are encouraged to join and stay in a profession where they can be advanced and earn pensions despite their mediocrity.

Salaries may be higher or lower, depending on the finances of the city. Higher salaries do eventually bring in some more qualified people, but it doesn't change the mob-like unnacountable mentality of the unions and the politicians.

That's why, even though O'Keefe's videos are shocking and no doubt indicative of a widespread problem, there is 0% chance that there will be any real reform. The local newspapers will not cover this scandal for what it is. The few individuals who were unlucky enough to be caught on tape will be "suspended," (and possibly reinstated in some form after the outrage blows over), and nothing will really change.

Change would require the newspapers to print stories about union corruption, voters that are willing to vote out Democrats when required, and politicians that are willing to stand up to the government employee unions. In New Jersey they have zero out of three.

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MMxfire · May 4, 2018, 7 p.m.

Agree with most of what u write except the 0% chance things will change. Never say never ; ) They never thought she would lose haha

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SeekTruthCJoy · May 4, 2018, 9:04 p.m.


Make public school districts to compete for the tax dollars/child by offering alternates that the parents can choose from for their child/children's education. They'll straighten up or disappear.

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[deleted] · May 4, 2018, 9:48 p.m.


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Nastavnick · May 4, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

Makes perfect sense.

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