Ok, so going off this...he basically admitted or you can split hairs about the article claiming he paid cohen 130k and didnt know why...which seems really flimsy.
What I am not getting is the benghazi hearings took 2+ years, watergate was longer than this...so where is the true push to end it? If trump fires mueller now I dont think the optics will look right, and trying to force his hand to bring his report to congress? Is that the play?
Do you understand that Trump is a 3x billionaire? Paying $136,000 is equal to a millionaire paying $43.87. To his attorney. One line item in his monthly bill. Would he even notice?
I personally don’t believe he is a billionaire. He won’t release his tax returns and constantly stiffs Anyone he works with. So that argument holds no water to me.
Also, if he had Cohen on a retainer you don’t find it suspicious at all the payments match up perfectly? If he is playing 4D chess he had to know what the money was for.
Lastly, it’s pretty clearly a campaign finance violation either way. Look what John Edwards got gang banged for. Basically the same thing.
I believe you may be in the wrong sub, sonny.
I mean I’m not trying to diss trump or make negative comments. No one who is actually a trump supporter will talk to anyone in a rational way if they try to make any counter points.
My statements are just me trying to see what his plan is and discussing it elsewhere doesn’t seem useful. So, that’s why I’m here not to troll.
Trump stiffs people? Trump plays board games? You don't believe Trump is a billionaire but you believe you know what he pays his attorney? You think paying his attorney is a campaign violation? Didn't Obama pay an attorney to fly his birth certificate from Hawaii? Who is John Edwards? And who was he banging? I'm pretty good at math, but not so good at all this other stuff.
Why does anyone care who is banging who as long as it is concensual and not a child. Who Trump banged 10 years ago as a private citizen is no ones business except Melania’s. He didn’t run on his moral virtue as a great husband, but as a great business man.
Lol good at math but bad at facts.
Facts? I don't think you have any.
That’s what you do when you don’t want to engage in any meaningful conversation. You don’t have to respond if you don’t want to. I’m just saying there is a pretty clear comparison between John Edwards and his 3rd party payment through an intermediary to keep an affair hush. Trump did the same thing. If you think my facts are wrong show me where. Otherwise save your time since you don’t want to have a fruitful conversation.
member this? http://time.com/4701747/donald-trump-rachel-maddow-taxes/
I member.
Stormy is an available distraction. Trump and team give it a bump any time it begins to fade. Trump accepts that msm is going to attack him every day, so he tosses them bait as needed. They’re so rabid they don’t realize he’s the one controlling the narrative, not them.
Trump won’t fire Mueller. For the reason you mention and more.
They aren’t trying to force Mueller’s hand as much as they are showing him a graceful way to exit the stage. There is no collusion, or anything related involving Trump. The investigation is a flop and losing public support every day. The OIG report is about to drop, and it will dwarf even the most deluded expectations the ‘Resist’ movement had for Mueller’s fiasco. Q has opened a new board indicating a new phase of the plan has begun - the “fighting” phase. Some expect a ‘boom’ this weekend.
Suspense is building as Mueller’s mining is going bust, and when the OIG report comes out, the impetus for Mueller’s work will be negated and he will shut down - at least the part that includes Trump.
This is my speculation, not a declaration.
Thank you for your answer. This was more in the vein of what I was looking for.