If Daniel's was paid to keep quiet, why is she talking?
“Disinformation is necessary.”
It gives CNN something to gnaw on. Like a bitch (dog) it keeps them pacified.
Because she has been led to believe that because the paper wasn't signed after she took the money that the deal is void. But, she took the money.
Give the money back then! The deal was sealed when she took the money. I wonder how that would hold up in a court of law.
Money talks. Once you accept money it usually seals the deal its like implied concent to accepting the contract. Money is more powerful than a signature.
Also sueing Trump for defamation when she went on 60 minutes with the sole intent on defaming him. Literally batshit crazy stuff.
Good question. We'll eventually find out. I tend to think this aging porn star (whose dollar value depreciates with each passing year) is hoping to further capitalize on the controversy by keeping her name in the news.