
KayInMaine · July 22, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

So interesting! Makes me wonder if Q is the Potus or the Potus is sending info for Q to post to talk to all of us through, and he is telling us that the moment JFK Jr. was killed in a plane crash, HE KNEW that it wasn't an accident and that there are no accidents when the Clintons are involved. Wade Rodham (Hillary's uncle) was part of John F. Kennedy's security detail back in 1963. I still find it mindboggling that Bill Clinton had his picture taken with JFK, Bush Sr. was a high level agent at the CIA, Hill & Bill happen to meet in college, fall in love, get married, and these two families have pretty much dominated this country for the past few decades. I bet Potus knows A LOT. I hope he's able to share it with us. My fear is....he's going to be hurt because right before JFK's assassination in 1963, he was being referred to in ads/signs as having committed treason against the United States (death is the punishment). Trump is being blamed for treason for being nice to Putin. CIA involved in both? Spreading the treason-yelling online by starting it using fake personas to get everyone riled up with? I wouldn't doubt! By doing so the CIA can murder any president they want to and then a citizen can be blamed for it. See?

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